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I just HATE hearing people prattle on about ‘Atlantis’.
It almost certainly came about, as a result of Plato being fed misinformation by his friend
solon, who was pranked by one of the last high priests of the Egyptian faith.
“Solon, a respected Greek lawgiver, traveled to Egypt and engaged in discussions with learned priests in Sais.
These priests, possessing a long history and extensive records, presented themselves as keepers of ancient knowledge.
The Story of Atlantis:
- The priests told Solon about a powerful civilization, Atlantis, that existed thousands of years before, which ultimately met with a catastrophic end.
- They also emphasized that ancient Athens was a contemporary and rival to Atlantis, and that Athens had at one time been a great and noble nation.
The “Prank” Element:
Didactic purpose: The story, whether completely true or not, served as a didactic tale, a moral story, to the Greeks.
“You Greeks are always children”: A key element is the priest’s statement that “O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are always children, and there is not an old man among you.” This can be interpreted as a subtle form of intellectual one-upmanship.
Emphasis on Egyptian Superiority: The Egyptians emphasized their superior record-keeping and knowledge, contrasting it with the Greeks’ perceived lack of historical awareness. This served to position the Egyptians as the guardians of true ancient wisdom.
Possible Exaggeration: It’s plausible that the priests embellished the Atlantis story, or even invented it, to:
Impress Solon with the depth of Egyptian history.
Highlight the cyclical nature of civilizations and the potential for destruction.
To generally put the Greeks in their place.”
But here is my counterpoint to that;
The closest thing to a real ‘Atlantis’ seem to me to be due to the Zanclean flood.
WE should keep in mind, that the Zanclean flood (the filling in of the Mediterranean
basin) about 5 million years ago, is almost CERTAINLY the ancient racial memory
passed along, that was the origin story of both ‘the flood’ and the echo about
‘Atlantis’ would have existed in the Mediterranean basin and would have been flooded
over, as the ATLATNIC did indeed ‘sink Atlantis’.
That’s what I seem to recall. (and this is all science).
But on the other hand, those ‘Atlanteans’, even if they existed, would have been much
closer to modern day gorillas, as archaic homo sapiens would not evolved for another
3 million years or so.
So, perhaps ‘plasma lifeforms’ in an early hybrid scenario with those early gorilla-like
hominids might ‘remember’ the Zanclean flood… but that’s as far as I can ‘stretch’
to accommodate ‘Atlantis’.
But sorry no flying ships and death rays.
But almost people drown by the Atlantic.
And that’s only ‘not crazy’ if you consider the sentient plasma and human hybridization
hypothesis not to be bat-shit crazy.
Or it’s all just a prank from the Egyptians to the ‘young and foolish Greeks’.
Pick your poison.
PS: Just a bit more about the theory from
““Yes, Sahelanthropus tchadensis is understood to have existed in Africa roughly 6 to 7 million years ago. So, it absolutely could have existed 6 million years ago. Here’s a breakdown of key information:
- Dating:
- Scientific consensus places Sahelanthropus tchadensis in the Late Miocene epoch, approximately 6 to 7 million years ago.
- Therefore, the 6-million-year mark falls within the established timeframe for this species.
- Discovery:
- Fossils were discovered in Chad, Central Africa, in 2001.
- These findings significantly broadened the known geographical range of early hominins.
- Significance:
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis is considered one of the oldest known species in the human family tree.
- It exhibits a combination of ape-like and human-like features, making it crucial for understanding early human evolution.
It’s important to keep in mind that paleoanthropology is an evolving field, and new discoveries can refine our understanding of these ancient species.
How about Europe?
When considering Sahelanthropus tchadensis, it’s crucial to understand that its fossils have, thus far, been exclusively discovered in Chad, Central Africa. Therefore, the direct evidence places this species within the African continent.
Here’s what that means in relation to Europe:
- Current Fossil Evidence:
- As of now, there are no confirmed fossil discoveries of Sahelanthropus tchadensis outside of Chad, Africa.
- This means that there’s no direct paleontological evidence to suggest that this specific species existed in Europe.
- Early Hominin Dispersal:
- The study of early hominin dispersal is complex and ongoing.
- While Sahelanthropus tchadensis is currently only known from Africa, it’s important to remember that our understanding of early hominin distribution can change with new discoveries.
- It is known that later hominin species did migrate to Europe.
- Focus on Africa:
- The current scientific consensus strongly supports the idea that Africa was the primary origin point for early hominins.
- Therefore, it is logical that the oldest hominin fossils are found in Africa.
In summary, based on the current fossil record, Sahelanthropus tchadensis is considered an African species. There is no current evidence that it existed in Europe.
Could they have lived in the mediterranean basin 6 million years ago, but then all evidence of them lost when the basin flooded from the Atlantic?
That’s a very interesting and insightful question, Kev. It touches on the dynamic and sometimes catastrophic nature of Earth’s geological history. Here’s how we can break down that possibility:
The Messinian Salinity Crisis and the Zanclean Flood:
- Messinian Salinity Crisis:
- Around 6 million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea underwent the Messinian Salinity Crisis. This involved a significant drying out of the Mediterranean basin, due to the closing of the Strait of Gibraltar.
- This period resulted in the deposition of vast amounts of salt.
- Zanclean Flood:
- About 5.3 million years ago, the Strait of Gibraltar reopened, leading to the dramatic Zanclean flood, which rapidly refilled the Mediterranean.
- This was a massive event, reshaping the Mediterranean basin.
Implications for Fossil Records:
- Potential for Destruction:
- The dramatic changes during the Messinian Salinity Crisis and the Zanclean flood could indeed have significantly impacted any potential fossil records in the Mediterranean basin.
- The drying, followed by the massive influx of water, would have caused significant erosion and sediment movement, potentially burying or destroying any existing fossils.
- Challenges of Discovery:
- The fact that much of the former landmass is now submerged makes finding fossil evidence extremely challenging.
- Underwater archaeology and paleontology are complex and expensive.
Considering the Possibility:
- While there’s no direct evidence of Sahelanthropus tchadensis in the Mediterranean, the geological events of that period make it plausible that evidence could have been lost.
- The Mediterranean region has a complex geological history, and significant portions of it are now underwater, concealing potential evidence.
- It is important to remember that the science of paleontology is always evolving. New discoveries can change our understanding of the past.
In essence, while we can’t definitively say that Sahelanthropus tchadensis lived in the Mediterranean, the region’s turbulent past means we also can’t entirely rule out the possibility that evidence may have been lost.
For 700,000 years would the basin have been very fertile? and perhaps inhabited as a ‘garden of Eden’ (great place to live) by early proto-hominids?
That’s a fascinating line of thought, Kev. Let’s delve into the potential conditions of the Mediterranean basin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis and how they might have influenced early hominid life:
Conditions During the Messinian Salinity Crisis:
- Varied Environments:
- It’s important to understand that the basin wouldn’t have been uniformly harsh. There would have been a variety of environments:
- Deep, extremely salty lakes.
- Brackish water areas where rivers flowed in.
- Potentially fertile river valleys and plains.
- So, while large areas would have been very inhospitable, other areas could have provided resources.
- It’s important to understand that the basin wouldn’t have been uniformly harsh. There would have been a variety of environments:
- Fertility Potential:
- River systems flowing into the basin would have deposited fertile sediments.
- Even with high salinity in some areas, freshwater sources and surrounding highlands could have supported vegetation and animal life.
- Therefore, it is very possible that fertile areas existed.
- “Garden of Eden” Concept:
- The idea of a relatively sheltered, resource-rich environment is certainly plausible.
- If such areas existed, they could have provided a favorable habitat for early proto-hominids.
- The fact that the basin was at times lower than the surrounding land could have created microclimates that were beneficial.
- Challenges:
- However, it is also important to remember that the area would have been subject to great environmental stress.
- The high salinity, and the dramatic changes in water levels, would have made this a very changeable environment.
Implications for Early Hominids:
- Adaptability:
- If proto-hominids did inhabit these areas, it would suggest a high degree of adaptability.
- They would have had to cope with fluctuating resources and challenging conditions.
- Potential for Isolation:
- The basin could have acted as a relatively isolated environment, potentially leading to unique evolutionary pressures.
In conclusion, while the Messinian Salinity Crisis was a period of extreme environmental change, it also likely created diverse habitats. It is very reasonable to think that fertile locations would have existed, and that those locations could have been inhabited by early proto-hominids.”
Final Comment
So all that is actually fairly reasonable, almost probable, if you don’t get picky about the exact proto-hominids that were living in the basin.
The great fertility there, the isolation and the large evolutionary pressure there — all very fascinating.
But the ‘difficult part’ is the communication of the memory of this event to more modern humans.
THAT is indeed the stretch.
Not a stretch at ALL if you are an intelligent plasma hybrid proponent,
but fairly insurmountable if you are not, unless you go for pure ‘genetic memory’ or environmental ‘morphic resonance memory’
and those two certainly have their problems too.
Honestly this level of wackadoodle makes me a little uncomfortable, but there DOES seem to be some echo/memory there.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain