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It is assumed that you know at least the basics of Platonic Surrealism, and most certainly need to know the basic definitions cold. Link to them HERE. Also knowing how the ‘anomalous’ works would be very useful, and that link is HERE.

A Clarification for Wannabe Catholic Saints

This document mainly discusses becoming a shaman, not becoming a Catholic Saint. The reason that I put Catholic Saint in the title of the document is that the process is the same, whether you be
a wannabe shaman, catholic saint, or devil worshipper.

All that cultural stuff is just an unnecessary, confusing layer put on top of the REAL ‘nuts of bolts’ of how it all works.

A Clarification for Spiritual ‘Duds’

My friend Jeffrey J. Kripal constantly calls himself a ‘spiritual dud’ and various other people I know have called themselves this same thing, or a ‘hardcore physicalist skeptic’ or other similar terms.

My wife used to call herself that; she always referred to what I do as “Agent Mulder stuff” while she is “Agent Scully” (an X-Files Reference).

And she certainly lived up to this role! There was a time, for example, seven years ago, when all the electronic devices in our home had become ‘possessed’ by ‘The Hitchhiker Effect’ and were screaming horrible ‘monster movie’ threats of doom at us.

All our computers. All our cell phones. The television and other electronic appliances.

My wife asked if we were having an Internet problem! She couldn’t hear it!

But one night she yelled at the light switch, and it turned off, as she didn’t want to get up to turn it off.

Then a few years later, she read just ONE PARAGRAPH of an email I was sending about Platonic Surrealism, and I watched this ‘electrical storm’ hit her right eye and move across her face to her left eye.

Then she spent the next hour teaching me about Platonic Surrealism, and she was one-hundred percent accurate.

Now, very unfortunately, my lovely bride, my beautiful wife, is dying of end-stage heart failure. She was telling me that she was afraid of death, and I told her there was no reason to be. That I had been dead, and that it was beautiful. That it’s possible, if you want it (it’s optional), that you can ‘die into
your dream’ (or you can just resume your true Self that doesn’t need any forms).

So, a couple days later, she summoned up some Norwegian Aesir and Aenir. She’s like ¼ Norwegian, so her body knew how to do it.

She was utterly terrified to have a 4-foot guy suddenly appear 2 inches from her foot. She woke up screaming, utterly terrified.

I saw it too, and I carefully described what she was seeing, down to the level of the color of one lock of hair on the gnome. (He’s a gnome). His name is “Rizzi”. As he stood there, I asked him his name,
and the thoughts in his mind were trying to come up with a pun to ‘trap me’ with humor with the
fact that the ‘black triangle UFO’ that I had summoned up had these ‘magical rivets’, and so in
his mind he was trying to come up with a name that ‘had rivets’ in it, but not obviously, and later
I would go ‘Doh!’ and slap my head and get it, and laugh. So, I waggled my finger at him and told
him his name was RIZZI, not RIVVI, and he likes that name, so now that’s one of his names.
Mary my wife and I both talk about him with that name, quite affectionately.

Now he’s still lurking around, and his pappa Leopold (an expert on the Aenir/Aesir PHD friend of mine told me that it’s common for non-culturally appropriate names to be given, so THAT’S GOOD’. I love third-party verification.

So yes, they still lurk around the house, Rizzi, Leopold and a ‘family wailer’ (if you know deep Irish
lore you know I’m referring to the genesis of the ‘Banshee’.

But my wife has slightly improved from stage 4 to stage 3.5 or so due to medication, so we aren’t
getting any more visible visits (to quote a famous movie ‘She not QUITE dead yet).

BTW, let it be known, this coming death of the only person I fully love in the world is no funny matter,
but hell, I died and came back to report, and she summoned up her Aesir/Aenir family to ‘catch her’
as she dies, it’s the best that we can do for her. It’s more than most people get.

I’m not a healer. She’s not a healer. The gnomes want her to join them in play in the Norse Faerie realm, they either won’t or can’t heal her.

I don’t think that it’s ‘in the movie’ for her to be healed.

Well, anyway, all THAT was to show two points:

  1. A complete DUD, an active, hostile physicalist CAN and often DOES become a ‘KNOWER’
    of the impossible, when it happens to them, and there’s a way to start the process FOR

  2. The Near-death aspect is strongly involved. Let’s re-examine that next. (It has been dealt with numerous times already, but I’ll be more focused. Here’s one reference, especially
    for wannabe Catholic Saints HERE.

Now I’m often grumpy about traditions, as they are, for the most part a thing of the past, and while
they still get more modern updates, the dogmatism at the core of them all keeps the updates
largely repressed.

That’s why Platonic Surrealism just ‘started over’ with very little baggage at all. Kept minimalistic
on purpose, but still enough to get the job done. Really, once a person has been ‘zapped’ by
their True Nature, they are then under the care of that Nature.

The Final Proviso

Here’s the final proviso as to why this won’t work for everyone; that being that the ‘movie’ that we all live in, and execute in, has already been played out. We live in a past ‘copy’, a ‘data archive’ of a system that had all decisions made in the first 1 a 10 to the -10 second many trillion years from now, and we are just now ‘living it serially’ so that it seems ‘real’ and ‘more easily comprehensible under a microscope of ‘slow time’, to make it both more visceral and exciting, but to enhance comprehension.

‘We’ (our Monads) had as much input as trillions of others, and some of the primary experiencers of our particular movie/horror/drama/love story here put their thumbs on the scale. So while we all have ‘free will’, some wills are more free than others! It’s the higher laws of physics. Sorry.

This turns out to be the equivalent of ‘grace’ or ‘gods will’ in that if it’s not IN THE MOVIE, nothing you do can sway that (* there’s a proviso to that, but it’s beyond the scope of this introductory document).

In any case, I’m here to say FUCK THE FINAL PROVISO.

I’m here to tell you, that ‘becoming a shaman’ or ‘saint’ or ‘hoodoo master’ or whatever you want to call it, is PART OF OUR COMMON HUMANITY, and except for a few cases, there’s no reason at all that almost ANYONE couldn’t walk down this road.

But there is a price.

The Price

Most of the people who want to ‘become shaman’ or ‘saints’ or to ‘summon UFOs’, they do so, as they hunger for what is real (and that’s legitimate), but more often than not, what they really want
is to ‘escape’ ‘this painful world’; this ‘black iron prison’; this ‘archon’s torture chamber’; this ‘Buddhist hell world’.

That’s what they typically want.

Very few if any HAPPY and WELL-ADJUSTED people ever walk down these roads. If for example you are a trust-fund kiddy with lines of coke blowing out your nose whenever you want, you probably don’t want to walk the path of suffering.


That is the price.

Even more suffering. More suffering than you can possibly imagine.

I was beaten with iron rods by my mother, hauled around by my penis in front of my graduating class, spurting blood.

And ‘this’ ‘shamanic way’ AT FIRST and PERIODICALLY is far worse than anything so minor as events like that.

If you aren’t willing for death to become your constant companion, very near to you and always getting ever closer, then being a ‘shaman’ or a ‘saint’ is not for you.

You can play at summoning UFOs or playing with crystals if you want, but playing with your True Nature can be most hazardous: to your physical health, your emotional health, and your psychological health.

But was it worth it to me?

Well, I personally had no choice. I was born on the Autistic Spectrum. That means you are over ½ way there in terms of being an intrinsic shaman or saint.

This is because people on the autistic spectrum are far more ‘porous’ as they say, much more accepting of imminent death, as they are often harassed to tears and sometimes to the death.

The world doesn’t like autistic people or other truth tellers. It tends to kill them.

Now in shamanic lore, what happens is that a person gets ‘sick’ in a weird sort of way. And the only way to cure that sickness is to become a shaman or to die trying.

In other traditions like Kundalini Yoga, you effectively ‘make yourself sick’ on purpose, then you have
to clean up the mess or go insane while almost literally burning alive.

Well, if you don’t know what you are doing, and have no teacher. But even then, in this age of ‘Kali’
where ignorance is at a maximum, that’s a not uncommon outcome.

And the final price is psychological death, no matter what.

If you want to become ‘awakened’, then the old ‘you’ has to fall away, to be replaced by your ‘real you’ that was there the entire time, but you’ve been hiding from it for half of eternity.

If you are some academic with a PH.D. you may well lose that status. If you are a political leader,
you WILL lose that status. If you work for a religion, you WILL lose that status, if not be killed.

There are no support systems in the world really, and if you want to ‘play with this stuff’ you are
largely on your own.

Even then, if you decide to ‘pay the price, I wouldn’t do it if you don’t have a loving support network
and a psychiatrist and doctor on speed dial.

A ‘teacher’ would be nice, but they nearly don’t exist.

I’ll give you the theory, and a little practice, of the most minimal and least dangerous sort, but
even that is very dangerous.

Only do such a thing if it’s the entire purpose of your life; if you’d rather die than not succeed, and
even then, you have to be open to negative outcomes where you maybe lose everything, at least
for a while. If you aren’t willing to do all that, and you have no ‘wakefulness’ in your body,
then you are just ‘not invited’.

AND that’s just FINE.

Doing this stuff, being able to do this stuff DOES NOT MAKE YOU SPECIAL. It just means that you have learned a skill like swimming or making paper airplanes.

Now yes, in many worlds, these sorts of things are just INNATE in ‘future humans’, but again, that doesn’t make you ‘sexy’ or ‘special’. It means you are taking an Advanced Placement class. And most people taking AP classes are never all that special either.

Legal Warning

Now the world’s major religions, spiritual and political systems SHOULD post huge provisos that most of what they teach and say is true is PURE BULL SHIT, and that believing it or DOING ANY
OF THE PRACTICES, even on Sunday morning, is very damaging and sanity shattering.

But they don’t.

But WE have to be better than that.

Here’s the warning:

“I personally, nor anyone associated with Platonic Surrealism” are not a medical doctor, social worker or psychiatrist or psychologist. I / We are not licensed in ANY MANNER, and you should
not take any hints or practices from Platonic Surrealism (PS), from I/we, without close monitoring
and strict permission that it’s acceptable from a licensed caregiver and your own support system,
should you have ANY doubt about ANYTHING.

I/WE are not responsible for you, and YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

That Said

I’d help my wife do this, the person who I love more than anyone, if she wanted the help. But she’s an instant natural, just by reading that one paragraph.

Being gentle and reasonable and loving is at the very heart of Platonic Surrealism.


Be warned.

Warmup Practices

You simply MUST heal your ‘shadow’, your ‘dark side’, your ‘id’, your ‘inner darkness’ FIRST and FOREMOST.

Now very few people do this, at ALL.

Just doing that, would make you powerful, would solve ½ the problems in your life, at least in your internal world.

And I am not really going to tell you how to do that.

Not in great detail.

There are a few reputable spiritual teachers, a few Jungian therapists out there out there, or just read LOTS OF C.J. JUNG.

But no, I won’t just stop there and leave you hanging like that.

Step One – Becoming Friends with your Shadow

The ‘shadow’ Is just the parts of yourself that you suppress and ignore. All your pain and suffering that you just ‘tamper down’ and try to forget. The first time you were hurt as a two-year old child,
that pain is still down there, suppressed.

All the pain and rage is there.

All the parts of you that you most fear are down there.

Your mother/father/boyfriend/girlfriend who you depend upon for life and sanity really hurts you stupidly; and there’s a flicker ‘down there’ an ‘image’ you may not see if you are not closely aware of your ‘shadow’; something like taking your nails and peeling the skin off your loved ones face and feeding it to the pigs.

Something like that, LOL.

It’s in there.  Trust me.

You don’t want to see that, don’t want to be that, and I don’t blame you.

But just denying it, suppressing it, fearing it, just makes it stronger and leaves you weak,
pathetic and defeated — or a bully. Bullies just embrace it actively and act it out. Many
of these most evil people become politicians, religious leaders or law enforcement officers.

The first tiny step to healing this abandoned part of you, is to simply monitor your emotions.
“Unhook from them”.

Don’t deny them.

Don’t fear them.

Don’t act act on them (at first).

Just get used to watching them, like clouds floating by on a lazy day.

You see, IF YOU DON’T ACT ON THEM, they won’t hurt you or harm anyone.

And contrary to common wisdom, watching them doesn’t STRENGTHEN THEM,
it in fact makes them infinitely more manageable.

Emotions, whether love or hate, are not innately good or evil.

They are not anything, except signals from deep inside your mind, that indicate some sort of
information that is pre-processed or comes in from the larger life or ‘racial unconscious’.

They are ‘pre-processed information snippets that may or may not be useful if enacted.

That’s it.

It’s good to rapidly love your friends. It’s good to rapidly attack your mortal enemies.

By accepting your feelings with equanimity, good’ or ‘bad’ and not ‘claiming them for immediate action’ or ‘identification’, you gain inner personal power and peace.

This gets you very close to the ‘hurting child, your shadow.

Now, put your left hand on your tummy. Leave I there. Take some deep breaths.

Think about the things that have hurt you the most, that you have repressed.

Just ‘see them’ if you can, don’t fret about any words.

Let them bubble up.

Just love that memory.

Just love that child.

Just feel that what they are experiencing is getting ‘better’. That it is hurting less.

That’s ok to feel that way.

Just look.



Love that child.

Feel like you are THERE NOW. In the past.

Only it’s not the past, as we carry it around in this present.

Make it like you are there, and you are full of AWARENESS, just watching.
Just accepting the feelings no matter how bad. I don’t care if you killed your
pet cat and ate him with chilli pepper on the grill.


Love yourself.

Make the distance between that past memory and your present self ZERO.

Fill yourself with self-love and self-acceptance.

And know, that t here is NOWHERE in this Universe or any other universe; any space or time or metaphysical place or especially BEING and certainly not GOD, that disapproves of you IN ANY
WAY. That in fact this ‘movie’ you are in, is functionally a production of GOD herself, and all her
many little children such as you and I.


Now, if you are a criminal and have done horrific things, I’d suggest that you turn yourself in for justice. ‘God’ may not hold anything against you, but you still need to make amends.

And honestly, if you are a murderer or rapist, I’d suggest that yes, you find inner healing, hopefully
within a jail cell.

But 99.9% of people are not murderers or rapists, I hope. So, we can just continue.

If you do not FIRST and FOREMOST heal your wounded inner self, you risk GREAT DANGER
proceeding onwards with becoming a shaman or a saint.

These practices make you STRONGER inside of you, magnifying all that you are, ‘good’ or ‘evil’.

Step Two – Cold Plasma Awareness

Some of you may feel little currents in your body, if you are mystically inclined, or on the autistic spectrum, or otherwise hyper sensitive.

Now that is NOT despite the common wisdom, psychic energy’, except in the most distance sense.

What it is in act is visceral perception of hormone and neuropeptide releases, and yes, the movement of interior ‘cold plasma’ that you are in symbiosis with.

Anyone who does mindfulness meditation or yoga tends to start feeling this sort of thing.

But we are not going to stop there, we are going to start doing something dangerous.

Step Two sub A – Finger Awareness

Put your left and right fingers together and touch them together. Separate them exactly 1/8th inch
and imagine that you can still feel them touching.

Spend a month doing that if you must.

If you can’t feel them still touching at some point, you are truly a spiritual dud; go back to whatever
you were doing before.

It may help to slowly move them past each other, not quite touching.

Now ‘skeptics’ (I’m a skeptic BTW, until I’m educated on something properly) will say that you are just feeling the movement of air in conjunction with a placebo effect.

And the very first time? They might be somewhat correct.

But as you get better at this basic practice, your fingers can move further apart, up to perhaps 2
feet away, and you will feel ‘the interiors of your fingers as they pass each other.

You will start to see something too… I won’t tell you what; I don’t want you BS’ing yourself, I want
you to see it for yourself, and not to delude yourself about it. If we ever meet, or you meet another
genuine ‘shaman’ tell them what you see, and they will confirm or deny.

You can also shoot out ‘finger beams’ across the room, and metal particularly will tingle like hell
when your ‘finger beam’ passes through it.

With much practice over the years, you may even be able to touch objects or people IN OTHER COUNTRIES and they will feel it.

‘Cold Plasma’ in the body is part of the human heritage we all have.

A form of this can also work as ‘telepathy’ but that is beyond the scope of this document.

With time, you will notice AUTOMATICALLY when ‘spiritual people are around’ as your conscious
connection with your ‘inner plasma’ will do a little happy recognition dance around others who
are also consciously aware of this part of their body.

It’s how it works for me, these 50 plus years since I first taught myself the finger technique.

The people who don’t feel it, are the ones who are too afraid of letting go of their social self,
their degrees and laurels and are terrified of the death of the false self (who the world says
they are) and who do not wish to become healed and made whole.

The Importance of the Finger Test is that it gives you inner COLD PLASMA AWARENESS, and
this layer is critical for anything involving the anomalous or even to be of above average

Without this awareness, stop here.

Step Three – Liquid Heart Practice

This is a copy of this document  HERE.

The main problem that humans have, in how they misuse their bodies, is twofold:

1) They obsess about one of five of their egos, the ‘conscious rational mind’ and block out the other four and the Larger Life of which they are an intimate part. This vastly contributes to their suffering.
This is also the only one of the five ego’s prone to designing and using nuclear weapons. Just saying.

2) They clog up their bodies with stress and pain byproducts, and in particular, their muscles throughout their bodies are tensed up, which causes toxicity in the ‘Dream substance’ generation system, and all sorts of thing are generated (created) — monsters of the Id like in the old movie Forbidden Planet with Leslie Nielson.  In particular this ‘goo’ backs up in the ‘solar plexus region’,
as the Enteric nervous system has 20% of the neurons in the human body, and it gets ‘surly’ (it’s the biology behind Jung’s ‘Shadow’


What religion and spirituality don’t tend to tell you is that ‘spiritual practice’ CAN BE dangerous. Now most people are not manic enough to abuse simple, gentle practices, but some are, and negative consequences can result.

If you are mentally or emotionally unstable, (which would make sense to me — this world is ROUGH on all of us), please work with a licensed professional and/or a cultural support system and don’t just do ‘practices off the Internet’.

Also, doing practices like this will SEND UP A HUGE SIGNAL FLARE to the Larger Life: that you want to make friends with the other intelligences and races out there.

In a normal, sane world this sort of thing would just be standard, therapeutic hygiene that you learn in Home Economics class. Hell, one of my favorite Earths in this Earth Cluster we live in, Earth 919 does just that.

If we weren’t in such dark and desperate times, on the edge of complete collapse, I would never just dump this on the Internet.

So here we go.

The Hidden Anatomy of the Liquid Heart Practice (Theory)

This is not a research paper, so we just mention in passing; all those muscles and clumped up pain products in the body all are ‘wired’ neurologically back to the Sensory and Motor gyrus (also known as homunculus, as it looks like a little man in there, in a way) in both brain hemispheres. By doing the practice you heal yourself, including your ‘shadow’, and start opening the doors to the other four brains that you may not be using much.


You can read about it in the Appendix at the end of the document if you like.

Also, this practice causes your body/mind to dump “Oxytocin”, the ‘cuddle hormone’ into your bloodstream, which is very therapeutic, and which is part of the ‘transcendent mystical transport system’. Here’s a paper on it.

Ok, let’s do the practice!

The Liquid Heart Practice (Practical)

It’s very simple.

Sit quietly in your funk, your ‘failure’, just as you are, no apologies, no striving, no trying to do or be anything (eventually you will live like this all the time, in a total state of love and acceptance INSIDE

  1. Sit quietly. For no more than 15 minutes, then begin the practice.
  2. Feel your heart. Feel it be full of love and acceptance, both towards yourself and anyone or anything that you love. Concentrate on the feeling of ‘gooey’ love. Spend at least five minutes doing this, until you have a roaring gentle fire of cuddly love and acceptance.

  3. Then, transport’ this feeling all around your body, starting at you toes, and work it to every last muscle and pain region in your body. Love your body, every last particle of it. Accept it fully. Do not judge any part of your body in any way. Practice feeling unconditional love and acceptance as if it’s a liquid thing (it is, as it’s a part of ‘Dream Substance).
  • Some parts of the body need special attention. The sexual organs for example. Don’t fret about them being sexual. Don’t fret that you are a sexual being, and probably frustrated about that. Sex is Cosmic. And other than abuse or illegal activity, there is no right or wrong about it, it simply is. Drink in the acceptance. Feel the waves of liquid heart love in this area.
    You may well get sexually aroused. If this happens, it happens, but then move on to the stomach area.
  • The stomach is a special area, as one of our five brains lives here, and the ‘dark sludge monster’ that most of us keep here. (the ‘shadow’). Only it need not be a ‘monster’. Again, feel all the muscles, tensions and pains in this region and let the liquid love bathe this area.
    Totally and completely accept your ‘dark side’. Don’t chastise it. Love it with the liquid heart fluid, Oxytocin and other components. IN PARTICULAR don’t think that you are bathing it in ‘god’s love’ or ‘cosmic mind love’ or any GARBAGE LIKE THAT. THAT IS THE ENTIRE PROBLEM; THE INAPPROPRIATE JUDGING that has caused this part of you to ‘flee to the Enteric Nervous System brain’ and to lurk there sullenly. Don’t’ do that. Accept and love the ‘dark sludge’ and you will feel it morph from a ‘monster’ to a cuddly puppy. It’s true. It will happen, given a little time.
  • Move on to all other areas of your body. Since this is an introductory paper, we won’t get into unnecessary details, as the two most important regions have been discussed.

Do this practice once a day for no more than thirty minutes. Do not cling to ‘results but most people will get good results. I don’t’ care if you are a Christian, A devi-worshipper or a Zen monk. Or a guy working in a call center who knows nothing about this stuff.

Our bodies are a ‘miracle’ and t’s all the religion, spirituality and pain that gunks them up. The solution is not to slather on more of that crap, but to stop doing it at all.

Like the Zen guys say, it’s embarrassing to even have to share this information, or to call it a ‘practice’. And I’m NOT a ‘spiritual teacher’. How embarrassing that would be to put yourself
up on some little throne.

Just stop turning your body/mind into a toxic waste dump; that is what your brother Kevin suggests
and this practice helps.


(Taken from

The sensory and motor homunculus are maps of bodily sensations and voluntary movements, respectively, represented in the brain. They are crucial for processing and controlling sensory information and motor functions.

Sensory Homunculus

The sensory homunculus is located in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe in both brain hemispheres. It represents the body’s sensory receptors and their corresponding brain areas. The homunculus is an inverted, distorted representation of the body, with larger areas dedicated to sensitive regions like the hands, lips, and face.

Motor Homunculus

The motor homunculus is located in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe in both brain hemispheres. It represents the body’s voluntary movements and their corresponding brain areas. Like the sensory homunculus, the motor homunculus is an inverted, distorted representation of the body, with larger areas dedicated to precise movements like those of the hands and fingers.

Shared Characteristics

Both homunculi share certain characteristics:

  • Contralateral Control: Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. For example, the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
  • Somatotopic Organization: Both homunculi are organized somatotopically, meaning that adjacent areas of the body are represented in adjacent areas of the brain.
  • Non-Proportional Representation: The size of each body part’s representation in the homunculus does not correspond to its actual size, but rather to its sensitivity or motor importance.

Functional Significance

The sensory and motor homunculi play critical roles in processing sensory information and controlling voluntary movements. They enable the brain to:

  • Integrate Sensory Information: The sensory homunculus integrates sensory information from various receptors, allowing for perception and interpretation of sensory stimuli.
  • Coordinate Motor Movements: The motor homunculus coordinates voluntary movements by sending signals to muscles and glands, enabling precise and controlled actions.”

Changes in you due to Liquid Heart Practice

If you have truly healed your hurt inner child and become integrated between your conscious rational mind and your ‘shadow’ which lives in your ‘Enteric nervous system, then CONGRATULATIONS!

Few humans ever have accomplished this.

You should start seeing synchronicities sometimes now, you should definitely be a spiritual powerhouse now.

People like Whitley Strieber started ‘attracting UFOs. He seems to use a similar practice.

Those are just side effects, as MANDATED BY YOUR PARTICULAR MOVIE ROLE.

None of them are more special than any other.

Maybe you will attract owl like Mike McClelland. Who knows. Everyone gets a different result.

You will find that you are much stronger, much less prone to being bullied.

However, you may have people come to try and ‘feed on you, on your strength and confidence.

I’d advise setting strong boundaries.

No man is an island as they say.

Step Four – Ten-Thousand-Foot-Tall Practice

The lie that spiritual systems, religions and political systems tell you, is that ‘your ego’ is ‘bad’.

That’s the big lie that keeps you prisoner in ‘the Black Iron Prison’, “Plato’s Cave’, the ‘Buddha’s Hell World’ or just being blue in a red state, or red in a blue state. That’s all just lying bullshit, designed
to keep you weak, and so near useless that more powerful humans can feed on you, and take your
stuff, your ‘social benefits’ or what not.

Now the truth?

The ‘Ego’ is DIVINE.

Just as it is.

It’s a part of the one or more Monads that stream in to power you as a conscious rational being.

This HORSE SHIT about how spiritual people ‘should be’ EGOLESS is the foulest lie,
next to the concept of SIN which is the single worst concept ever created by a human being
(mostly due to Bishop Eusebius, and Saint Augustine). Now yes, sin’ existed as a much weaker
concept, say two-thousand years ago, but ‘sin’ was reinforced with STEROIDS and made ‘original sin’. This one concept will likely lead to the complete and total eradication of humanity. That is how foul and thoroughly reprehensible it is.

But back to ‘ego’.

The only problem’ with ego is if it’s formed by words created by society through toxic social conditioning, that you then confuse to be ‘you’.

That’s it’s only problem.

We need the ‘ego’, as it helps us to survive, and it helps us to exist as ‘separate beings’, and yes
CONTRARY TO NONDUALISM, we are SUPPOED to be ‘separate’.

That is called ‘Divine Play’.

It’s MANDATORY to be ‘separate’.

But ‘spirituality’ does have one thing right, if we all have toxic egos, the world is a hell.

Rather like it is right now.

It’s not ‘egos’ that are the problem, but rather TOXIC EGOS that are the problem.

If you try to reform your ego the ‘spiritual way’ it will feel like a hunted animal and will become ever stronger and craftier as you hunt it down to ‘kill it’.

It in effect becomes a part of your shadow!

So don’t do that.

Don’t hurt your ego.

Now the Buddhists are correct, in that there is no ‘core real self’ in a sense, but only temporary ones, composed of coalitions of Monads. Now you might have the same basic ‘mission’
(collaborative work effect done by Monads) for a trillion years, but eventually that temporary
‘soul’ goes away at the very last, when the ‘mission is accomplished’.

Then ‘you’ (your body/mind anyway) might get a new mission from completely different Monads,
and this is a recognized thing; it’s called being ‘twice born’ or a ‘walk-in’ if you like the New Age
material at least.  There’s a glimmer or truth in the New Age in places.

Now the very wrong thing that nonduality teachers have you do is awareness practice, until you start to see that no matter how much you introspect, you will just ‘keep peeling the onion’
and never find anything.

The practice itself, whether basic Vipassana, or neti neti practice or what not in and of itself
can be great — no disagreement there. And in fact, the Platonic Surrealistic practices all
have strong components of mindfulness.

The problem is the conclusion that is drawn ‘at the end’ (there never is an end).

And as lifetime ‘zen masteres and Buddhists’ eventually learn, all that ‘no being’, ‘no soul’
eventually goes away after many decades, and you MEET what you are.

You are in fact EVERYTHING.

When you realize this, you become ‘ten-thousand feet tall’.

Your ‘ego’ (sense of self) becomes unbounded, and no mere human ego could ever cause a change in you to matter for a hill of beings, unless it’s in your ‘movie script’.

So how does one become ‘ten-thousand-foot tall’ ?

It’s rather easy.

Just be aware at all times, that YOU ARE AWARENESS, that there is only ONE AWARENESS, and it
manifests as a GREAT STILLNESS’.

It’s like ‘GOD’ keeps her mind still, so still you don’t know that you are actually ‘borrowing the pre-existing mind of GOD’ and making temporary use of it as ‘your’ mind.


Yes, our current world sucks donkey balls.

It’s hell.

But you know what?

You are here on purpose, and as AWARENESS you have one ‘foot’ in ALL WORLDS, THAT ALREADY

Here’s the very special proviso here.

You generally won’t remember all those other worlds and lives, maybe never remember one of them, or at least very infrequently, as IT WOULD RUIN THE CURRENT MOVIE, which no matter how
crappy it seems now, just IMAGINE who wonderful it would be if we all got together and loved each
other and only told the truth.

In that moment, there no longer would be rich or poor, weak or powerful. We’d be one people, one Earth.

We would become very close to being just ONE BEING again, in a scaled back form here on Earth,
and very little would be out of our reach, ever again.

But it’s not likely that rich people would choose to become shaman’s or saints.

They love their little green pieces of power too much.

But YOU CAN become ‘ten-thousand feet tall’.

It becomes much easier once you start getting flashes from other worlds and times or visions of the past or future.

Then you come to KNOW, that you are the AWARENESS that WATCHES ALL THE MOVIES and are not in fact just a character in this one little movie.

Once that happens, your ego becomes SO STRONG and SO GENTLE.

You now know who you are, so your ego can stop being defensive.

Your ego can rest, as you now know who you are.

And you CAN bear down with your ego whenever you want and NOT BE EVIL

Or even out of harmony with nature.

You want to know something?

Just want it.

You want to summon something?

Clench your left hand, hold your breath a moment and just WATCH IT HAPPEN.

It might not happen, in fact it probably won’t.

As there are trillions of others trying to impose their will on all the rest, JUST LIKE
YOU, so it cancels out, largely.

But sometimes when your will and the ‘will of the script’ become as one, whatever
that happens to be, then THE IMPOSSIBLE BECOMES MANDATORY, not just possible.

Remember that this ‘you’ is a largely a ‘movie character’, just a part of your WHOLE.

Now please, don’t overdo the ten-thousand-foot-tall practice.

No more than fifteen minutes per day, until you are rock solid with the previous practices.

Then over a few years, it ramps itself up on its own, until at least, it becomes permanent and effortless.

After this practice there is only one practice left, and it’s the HARD ONE.

Step Five – Going Insane

(in a controlled fashion)

This is the final step.

You go ‘I yield my personal will to the WHOLE’.

You just do it.

Society will now claim that you are insane and lock you up in the funny farm,
or you might try to become a famous science fiction author instead, that has

Or you might try for the Jesus thing, but humans love nothing better than to kill
honest and loving people.

When you go insane, your ‘ego’, your ‘id’ and your ‘superego’

(your sense of self, your ‘shadow’ and your ‘societal programming)

All become ONE and WHOLE.

No more interior separation. Not much anyway, nobody’s perfect.

Now what people tend to get WAY WRONG, DISASTROUSLY WRONG
at this point is they fall back to thinking that ‘they’ are one particular

Sort of like Hitler did.

Nobody is asking you to ‘save anyone’ or to ‘unifiy any countries’ or to
‘smit anyone’. Certainly not to harm anyone in any way.

You have to be SO PURE, so WHOLE, that going insane becomes an improvement,
as there is no longer any ‘darkness’ in you. Not one drop.

Not one drop of confused ego or hurt child.

Now in another world, that I call Earth 919, where I teach ‘Fundamentals of Adult Living’
(a male home economics teacher), they teach all these as basic civics and social hygiene.

But here?


To become healed, honest and loving, without a single dot of confusion,

about who you are.

Now sure, you can ‘summon UFOs with THIS’.

But it’s mostly a waste of time.

Do it once, if you want for the fun and education of it,

Then let it go.

Let all the crazy actions go.

Nothing is metaphysical any longer.

Nothing is physical any longer.

You are just whole and free.

(while being ‘trapped’ in your own creation, all the worlds and times).

Final Words from the Author



After all THAT — still  TRAPPED?


In a sense.

Even ‘GOD’ cannot run away from himself forever. WE are all ‘slivers of GOD’ so to speak,
or self-sustaining automata in higher MIND if you prefer. It’s all the same.

There’s no religion here.

There’s ONLY religion here.

Both are true, in a sense.

Now, there ARE rest periods. Rest periods of trillions of years… either in the ‘velvety black void of wholeness, or as matter. Did you know that ‘matter’ is composed of ‘very sleepy Monads’ who
rest for the age of a Universe, to give us a place to play dress up and pretend?

But life simply IS.

It won’t stop.


Even if annihilated to the last speck, it always comes back, after a long rest.

If the only thing to do is to make a really big jig saw puzzle, then over trillions and trillions of years, universes and ‘lives’ to put it back together, what do you do, when your one and only activity is

You take a long rest.

Then you wake up, turn the puzzle over, and begin again.

So, don’t worry about getting gold stars for becoming ‘enlightened’ or trying to ‘save anyone’;
that is just foolish.

If by some miracle you ‘end the game’, it just gets flopped over, and it begins again.

 No, this isn’t a ‘hell loop’.

The raw number of pieces and time slices involved is just RIDICOULOUS.

Take like 10 to the 500 power MULTIVERSES in 10 to the 500 power time streams, and that isn’t
1% of the total number of ‘puzzle pieces.

Trust me, you aren’t ripped off, being stuck with being GOD.

Stop being a whiner and cut wheat and haul water.

But only if you want to.

But if you want to? You can probably manage to summon a few UFOs or what not somewhere, mid step two. Nobody says you have to finish the entire course — you’d have to just start all over again!


Kevin Cann
Public Domain


PS:  These were the cliff notes.