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Transcript of the YouTube video that I made:
What you may not Know about Summoning “UFOs” by Kevin Cann
Well, good morning YouTube family, all, uh, what, 36 now? It’s 11:49 here, so it’s almost afternoon. So, the topic: what you may not know about summoning UFOs. This is quite a topic, isn’t it? Uh, you know, those of you that know about me at all probably read “How to Think Impossibly” by Jeff Kripal, and in that chapter three, he talks about my black triangular UFO summoning.
You know, what, back in 2014, I was all, “Oh geez, I guess, arrogant.” Yeah, everyone thinks I’m arrogant. I think I almost talk about that every video. It’s like, what, I really am arrogant? And I don’t like it when people mention it. I suppose that could have some element of truth to it. You know, Alan Watts, my hero, was a major drunk and womanizer, etc. He had faults. I think I do have a little arrogance, and I’ll probably keep it the rest of my life. Does that mean there’s something wrong with me? Why, no, it means I’m a human being like you. Everybody’s got faults.
Though I have to say, my arrogance, if you think I’m arrogant now, oh my God, I’m not even… I’m down to 1% of what I was originally. You can’t imagine what it was like in the past. Some of those huge events that happened, I thought I was the cat’s meow. Oh yeah, “I want to summon a UFO? I’ll just do it!” And I did, and it worked, and it worked too well and messed me up for like 10 years. Yeah, careful what you wish for.
So, the topic of summoning UFOs, it’s everywhere right now if you’re a disclosure person, mostly. Of course, um, there’s this thing… oh gosh, I don’t even know if I want to get into that yet. Okay, so you know how it is, I know how it is, we live in a world where most of us that have ever lived have experienced a lot of suffering. Now, even that statement will get a lot of arguments from people.
For example, there was a kind of a friend of the family we had for a while. The guy had so many golden spoons in his mouth, it was just unreal. He had, all but, never experienced suffering. Yeah, it’s hard to, it’s hard to imagine. I really can’t talk about him because I don’t want him to know we’re talking about it, be his back… excuse me, but such a great example. I mean, kind of like Harry Potter, except for he got the really good stuff. Yeah.
No, Harry Potter is like the best example ever. You know, if he falls down and stubs his toe, he finds 12 magical artifacts of power. The guy was a doofus. He didn’t have any real knowledge of anything, but it didn’t matter; it was in the script. So anyway, I probably… well, come on, Harry Potter fans. I mean, I watched the movies. Um, did I read any of the books? No, I never read any of the books, so I’m not a real Harry Potter fan, but I watched all the movies, all of them. Well, except for the last one. I never, I didn’t want to see him beat Dumbledore. I felt sorry… not Dumbledore, uh, the dark lord. I can’t you remember his name? Yeah, not really a fan, I guess.
Um, I hate seeing the dark lord defeated. Why? Because good and evil is kind of a halfway crock, and the dark will spend centuries, sometimes maybe millennia, honing his skills, carefully working hard, putting in his time, doing the practice, finding the old books, you know, studying, memorizing. And then some doofus, some doofus kid, uh, falls, falls over and picks up the item of infinite bad-guy-slaying, uh, you know, whether Harry Potter or Star Wars, it’s much the same.
H, well, anyway, summoning UFOs.
So back in 2013, when I did that, you see, I, uh, I spent my life… well, I spent my life doing a variety of things. You know, nuclear engineer in a war zone, all that happy stuff. Abused as a child, severely abused as a child, trust me, all this stuff. Got into computer science and started a doc that did rather well, uh, yeah, did really well.
So all this stuff, but originally, I was in the spiritual community a bit for 10 years. You know, I was in Gopi Krishna’s Kundalini Research Foundation, and, uh, you know, I was in a yoga outfit for a little while. And, uh, you know, I was always the fellow that didn’t fit in. And, uh, you know, either I’d get shown the door or I’d show myself the door. I just didn’t fit in. And why didn’t I fit in? Well, you could say, “Well, Kev, you know, you say you’re autistic, and yeah, you’re kind of an ass. That’s probably why you didn’t fit in.” And, you know what, you’re probably right. Yep, yep, yep, yep. But it doesn’t mean I wasn’t right. It’s the autistic ass that is often the one who’s right. It’s just people don’t want to admit it.
Um, our culture, if you haven’t noticed, is mostly about who’s got the most money, power, and social status. Has nothing to do with right or wrong anymore. I, I can’t remember the last time right or wrong was even brought up as an issue in this country. I, I can’t remember. When was the last time? Oh, before Reagan, anyway, when everything went completely to hell. You know, you stop taxing business pretty much and then extract money from the poor people in the middle class until they’re broken down to almost nothing. Uh, yeah.
People always tell me, “Kev, don’t talk about politics, you’ll get yourself in trouble,” you know, and, uh, they’re right. They’re right. I guess I kind of, um, decided to break that advice a bit. But, you know, this isn’t about Democrats and Republicans. These themes have been going back since the chieftain Throg smashed, uh, you know, Little Nose, or whatever his name was, with a club because he wasn’t obeying the chieftain. This stuff has been going on forever.
Um, current events, they all happened… oh boy, I’m not going to say that. Yeah, I’m not going to talk about World War II. Not going to talk about that. Yep, nope, not going to do that.
Okay, so… oh well, since I did bring up politics, I should say that, yeah, there’s these very rich folks that do everything in their power to, you know, to create two political parties in a deadlock and put them at each other’s throats so that we all hate and fight each other so that they can continue looting the country. Democrats and Republicans, both. See, now I broke my rule. I said Democrats and Republicans. It could be anybody. I mean, it’s happening in most countries in the world now.
You know, we’re in the post-factual era. Facts aren’t the thing so much anymore. There’s so much social media noise, you know, they don’t even bother, uh, censoring truth much anymore because nobody can tell what’s true anymore because there’s so much noise, it just drowns out everything. And these predictive algorithms, they make it so that we’re in these little silos, so you don’t even often hear the other guy’s thoughts, have no idea what’s actually going on. You’re just stuck in your own little silo.
Wow, you know, I, I know how Plato and Socrates and all those guys must have felt. I mean, Socrates got killed by his culture. Plato had to run for his life on at least one occasion. Now, am I comparing myself to them? Why, yes, I am, a little bit. I’m a philosopher. A lot of people are philosophers, and we owe them a lot. They gave us so much. But it’s the same sort of thing. You see, things have never changed. We just have more automated ways of killing each other now. And these automated disinformation systems, it’s called the Internet, it’s called social media, it’s automated disinformation. It’s nearly impossible to ascertain one truth fact about anything anymore.
Well, you know, really, all this, what seems like it’s a tangent, and it is… I love my tangents. I love my tangents more than the topics usually, but it is related to the topic, you know, “What You May Not Know About Summoning UFOs.” So if you really want to know about summoning UFOs, and UFOs, I always put them in quotes, like scare marks, like, well, they’re not really UFOs, but actually, they are, but what they are is what’s called UFOs. Yeah, that sort of thing.
Um, this is going to be a relatively short video, so I’m not going to try to teach you everything from scratch. If you want to know about the basics of summoning UFOs, you can learn a lot of it right from the website, I’m not going to make it easy for you. I actually want someone to read the material. I mean, there’s over 750 pages there, and if you don’t have enough motivation to dig through some of it, then I don’t care if you have the knowledge or not. How’s that? Does that sound snarky? Well, good, you’re supposed to be. Nobody helped me over the years, not a person, not a single written page.
H, you know, I suppose Alan Watts helped me a little bit. I have read a grand total of one of his books, and it was 100% accurate. Uh, the book in question’s on my reading list on the website. You can go look it up if you want to.
So the main thing to know is that humans are basically cosmic mitochondria. Humans are like an intersection point between the formal-less and the form-full, between awareness, potentiality, the monads… and I’m not going to go over that. You guys got to read stuff, watch other videos. I’m not going to give summaries every time anymore. That’s it. Enough hand-holding on that.
So that’s what people would call the upper world, though there’s no upper world, but people have always thought of it as upper. Oh, there’s actually a good reason for that. Maybe I’ll talk about that a little bit too. You know, sometimes people get hit with, like, light out of the sky. Yeah, they do. I’m not going to, uh, give too many details about that light or what color it would have been. It’s a little different. There’s been various cases of it, and indeed, it does, it has actually kind of come out of the sky.
So where’s it coming from? Well, that’s a very interesting topic. And, uh, if you want to learn about that, I, you, I’d go to the website. Yep, yep. Oh, I’ll stop being so nasty about that. Um, yeah, Robert Temple wrote his great book recently about, uh, his new vision of heaven, so to speak, and it was all about plasma. And there’s the L4 and L5 plasma clouds, um, between Earth and the moon. They’re there because it’s a great place for plasma to hang out. It’s a, uh, a median point, gravitationally, really great spot. And those two, uh, plasma clouds, uh, they’re like nine times the, the volume of the Earth. They’re just massive. And, uh, Dr. Temple says that they’re almost certainly sentient, and I certainly agree, they’re almost certainly sentient. Isn’t that interesting? They’re actually kind of giant quantum computers. Well, isn’t that interesting? H, you can read about that on the website. Quite a bit of material.
But back to what I was saying about humans, or cosmic mitochondria. So we’ve got the, quote, “upper worlds,” if you want to call it that way, and you’ve got, let’s call it the lower worlds, but they’re not actually lower either. In fact, there really is no upper, there really is no lower. We’re all in this giant, black, velvety cloud of potentiality that plays little movies to itself. That’s it. That’s it. But we think we’re here, and we are, but we’re also there, which is here. Yeah, could drive a person crazy, couldn’t it?
So the, quote, “lower world,” if you want to use that acronym… acronym… that analogy, that metaphor, um, that would be the, uh, plasma-verse, so to speak. Um, our universe is made something like 99% out of plasma, you know, ionized particles, hydrogen dust, that sort of thing. And the world of matter, like our world, is maybe even less than 1%.
So all this talk about UFOs is just freaking not… so, you know, we’re worrying about some hypothetical nuts-and-bolts craft from the 1% or less, and we ignore the 99%, or it’s just overflowing full of life and activity, absolutely packed. And, uh, a lot of people don’t see it, don’t feel it, don’t interact with it. But there always have been people that have seen, felt, and interacted with it. You know, shamans, Philip K. Dick, other screwballs like me, uh, experiencers, abductees. Yeah, yeah, always got to be so careful talking about abductees. They have been victimized, and it’s awful, and I believe them.
And I, I, for one, believe I know exactly what’s going on with all that. I’ve talked about it. Maybe have a whole episode on just that sometime. I’m sure the abductees will feel much better… well, they’d be interested anyway. Tell me, think that might make them feel better is if the abductions would stop. Wouldn’t that be nice? Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice?
Um, I myself have never been abducted, but I was frozen for 15 minutes due to my close encounter, and I couldn’t move. And functionally, actually, I was in this, like, little bubble for that 15 minutes, actually a little longer than that. So suppose technically I was abducted too. I would just abducted in place, so to speak. Uh, pretty handy to be abducted in my easy chair because when the little fellow, about 4 foot tall, broke in the back door and, uh, paralyzed me, and he was rather polite, he let me fall into my easy chair and, uh, you know, did his thing. You know, they, uh, they freeze you in place and then do the, the function. You know, they’re like civil servants. You know, I’ve mentioned this once before, they’re like civil servants, they got a job to do. And so he did his function, which was actually to mine and everyone else’s benefit, and, uh, then he left.
You know, kind of like one of those machine elves. I forget who was talking about it, some famous writer, whatnot, was saying, “Yeah, yeah, machine elves, they’ve got a job.” Well, they do, just like we have a job. Our job is to be cosmic mitochondria.
So, you know, the formal-less, you can call it “Mind of God” if you really want to. We don’t do God or not-God in platonic surrealism because, you know, once you bring up God, then you got to kill somebody about it. That’s just the history of the human animal. We just love killing people in the name of God, or at least looking down our nose at them and telling them how we’re going to save them from the hell that they’re going to, because, you know, we don’t happen to agree with them, because we were born in a different part of the world than them, and they got their mind taken over by the local conditioning process, and ours was taken over by a different conditioning process, and then the two, you know, the two factions of disinformation, they battle each other.
And now, you can see that everywhere. Now, it’s, it’s never been more obvious, all these disinformation factions, in the United States especially. Oh my God, and the world.
So where does one find truth? That’s always been the question. Old Diogenes was looking for one honest man. That’s what we got to do. You know, you can’t experience truth without honesty, and we generally can’t afford honesty, because then someone meaner than us will get us. We think, if we’re not honest, you know, if we don’t play the game, and it’s pretty much true. We’re conditioned to be liars in this country, and in the world, because we want to survive. Yeah, and that keeps us trapped, keeps us trapped. Oh man, what a species to be visiting, this human thing. What a species.
So, um, a lot of what I talk about in terms of UFOs won’t talk about… potentiality, awareness, primal consciousness, monads, the upper world. And, well, the reason for that is, while they make the movies, they watch the movies, and they don’t actually… after the movie is made, which is in the far, far future, you know, I keep saying this infinitely, we’re in the, uh, the past here, watching this movie, where everything’s already happened. All the choices have been made. There’s nothing else to do, and …we’re just living this creation now. You know, we’re the movie directors, as a group, we made the movie. And because eternity gets damn boring without something to do, and it’s damn overwhelming, its awareness sees all the movies simultaneously, and we are awareness. So, yeah, right this instant, I’m [that person]. This very instant, you are too. All of us are [that person] right now, for example. Just an example. We’re the Pope, we’re a doctor, we’re all the worlds right now. The only way we can try to keep ourselves remotely sane is to stuff ourselves in these limited forms with limited awareness… um, these [Donald] Hoffmann-ish control mechanisms, you know, brain hemispheres, autonomic nervous system, brains, plasma body brains… See, now I just listed four brains.
I always… I got an article, I should write it, you should read it, about the five brains of man. Uh, the fifth brain would be the streams of awareness that come from the monads. That’s our fifth brain system. Uh, humans have five brains, so to speak. I mean, that’s a metaphor, but it’s really factual: five brains. And a lot of folks are barely dipping their toes into two of them, and, uh, you know, rarely different… their, their little toe out the entrance of Plato’s cave. They, they’re in the movie.
And I, I say this all the time, I’m not like the Eastern religious people who call the movies Maya, deception. I’m not like the Gnostics who say it’s evil. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Frankly, it’s something to do. That’s what it is. These movies, even the really wretched ones, like we’re in here, we’re in this grade-Z horror movie right now.
Um, I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if we had less than 300 years left as a species. That’s how gross what we were doing, what the movie is playing out as. It’s really gross. It’s effing gross. But, you know, people like really scary horror movies, and, yep, we’re in one of them.
Now, actually, I’m not going to go into, you know, can we break out of it? That’s always the, the thing, you see. People want to break out of it, and that’s a valid thing. And, uh, you know, you never know, maybe we could break out of it. We purposely don’t let ourselves know the future, because if we did, there would be no movie. You know, if you read the entire book to the last page and then you, quote, “start reading the book,” well, then you’ve ruined the book. You wouldn’t want to, it wouldn’t feel real, you wouldn’t feel alive. So we don’t let ourselves know the future, generally.
So frankly, I don’t know. Do we have 300 years left? 40% chance, 40% chance from what I’ve seen. Um, or we’re in that other 60%, and we’ll go on for thousands of years. You know, we’ll, we’ll create starships (which almost didn’t exist before we created them), and we’ll, we’ll get into that very soon. You learn about that when you summon UFOs.
I mean, might we create starships and go rape and pillage the rest of the galaxy, and then the rest of the universe? Yeah, we might. That’s human nature. You know, every time we go to a place with resources, we try to gobble them up for ourselves. And if there’s, like, you know, Native Americans or Native Europeans or Native Australians, why, oh, we kill them, we take their stuff, we put them in death camps, uh, also known as reservations or whatnot. The local name is different everywhere. Yeah, where is… where is Peachy as human beings, aren’t we?
Though, so I don’t know if we can dig ourselves out of this. It isn’t looking real good. And, uh, you know, you can… I, I always say this. I always bring up the future. Oh, I could have a video about crocheting socks for baby kittens, and I talk about this future and free will type stuff. Since we don’t know the future, we might as well try to avert where it’s headed. Maybe the movie is that the plucky underdogs, us, succeeded. And even if we fail, and even if we have no chance, it ennobles us. It really does, because it ennobles us to fight back.
These little videos are my way of fighting back. You see, I’m not a part… let’s just, let’s frame this in terms of UFOs for just a little bit. I’m not part of one of these big, famous UFO disclosure clubs. I’m not associated with any of these talking heads that get videos made about them, like, daily, you know, they… every word, people hang on. And, you know, they talk about, “Oh, disclosure [Music] soon.” Yeah, disclosure soon. Do I want to be a member of one of those clubs? Why, no, I’m honest, you see. And, uh, this honesty is, I think, already getting me what’s called shadow-banned, where if I comment on a video somewhere, it’s just deleted. Yep. And, uh, my videos won’t do well. Yep, that’s what happens. This world hates honesty. It hates it.
Now, of course, there’s some people that would go, “Oh, that’s only done if you’re this mentally ill, hateful wackadoodle.” And to that, I’ll say, “No, the mentally ill, hateful wackadoodles, if you haven’t noticed…” No, I can’t finish that sentence. I can’t finish that sentence, but you know what I’m going to say, so I won’t say it. Yeah, I’m not one of them. Probably most of you watching this video aren’t either. Never know.
So, we’re human mitochondria, cosmic mitochondria. The information content of what people call the upper worlds, the streams of information from outside of time and space, and from other times and spaces, it’s all just… can be viewed as physics. Um, really, it can. I wrote a paper on it. I’ve written several papers on it. So, you know, us, us crank pseudo-scientists, ex-uh, nuclear engineers, we, we like to do that. It’s a very popular pastime. But I write mine, when I write them, more metaphorically than actually, because I never was a nuclear physicist. I was a nuclear engineer, meaning it’s like a train engineer. Yeah, I can run a train. I, I can run a nuclear reactor. I can start it up, I can shut it down, I can fix it, I know a whole bunch about it. But now I’m not a physicist. I mean, I know about six months worth of physics, so I’m just smart enough to be very dangerously stupid about physics. So yeah, if you read anything from me about physics, whatnot, h, maybe you receive some inspiration from it if you’re actually a physicist, but no. Yeah, it’s a creative effort to have an input about something that I’m not an expert in. But, you know what, I admit it. I just admitted it. I don’t make any bigger claims than that.
So humans are cosmic mitochondria, and I’ve talked about this, I believe, in other videos already, um, on this channel and other channels: New Thinking Allowed, Left Lane Library, or the Untold, uh, various places. But one of our functions is to be conscious. You have to have the perturbations of the plasma manifold that we’re symbiotic with. And, uh, that’s actually where the main intelligence in the human being is, not in the brain. The brain expresses these perturbations in plasma. You know, there’s, called, plasma in our body, and, uh, there’s this massive approaching conspiracy to keep that kind of knowledge hidden away.
And I know once you say something like that, people roll their eyes and they stop listening to you. But, um, yeah. So, why would, you know, DARPA research cold plasma in the body if it’s all wackadoodle? And they shut down civilians that research it, for the most part. I mean, I think only the Netherlands is really doing much research right now, a few places. It’s really pretty much globally suppressed. And why is that? Because it’s the mother lode of what you need to know about almost anything. It’s involved with summoning UFOs, and strange weapons, and other forms of life, and what it is to be sentient, to be conscious. It’s involved with all of it. So, of course, it’s one of the most dangerous bits of knowledge in the entire world.
So the human body produces a whole bunch of this, what, in other videos, I’ve called dream substance. And it is dream substance. You know, in a sense, this world is a dream in the mind of God, so to speak. And no, it’s not a simulation, because a simulation means there’s a physical world somewhere, and we’re like just some brains in a vat, or a program running in some alien computer. Nope, that’s not true. Those physical worlds don’t even exist, you see.
That’s why I just roll my eyes until they about fly out of my head when I hear about nuts-and-bolts UFOs, because if there isn’t a physical world, where are these nuts-and-bolts UFOs coming from? Good question, isn’t it? Now, I’ll be the first one to admit there is the appearance of a physical world, which, as everybody knows who’s taken any science at all, and this isn’t wackadoodle in the least, you know, matter is mostly empty space. Uh, most of the weight’s in the, the nucleus, a little bit from, uh, oh gosh, my mind’s really wandering here, a little bit from another field. Um, but it’s the electrons that bounce off each other in their shells that don’t let us fall through matter. It’s, I forget what the number is, like 99% empty space, more than that, lots of places of 10 out there.
Um, so, ever since science realized it looks suspiciously like we’re in some sort of movie, or at least matter is not hardly matter anymore, I mean, it never was. But all it takes is the consensus of matter. You see, let’s say we were just all thoughts roaming around in this giant, black, velvety darkness field, which is what we are. If everyone just agrees, being on the conspiracy, that nothing’s real except what we have as a consensus, that there is no objectivity whatsoever, not one dot of it in all reality, and there isn’t, except for the, excuse me, the existence of potentiality is the only thing that’s truly objective. But potentiality, potentiality doesn’t do anything, per se. It’s the field of potential. It’s passive potential. So it’s the only thing approaching… subject… pardon me, objectivity in existence. And everything spins as a temporary… the Buddha just loves this stuff… you know, a temporary appearance from the potential.
So, yeah, there are no nuts-and-bolts UFOs because there are no nuts and bolts. There are no worlds. There’s only the appearance of all these things. So, for example, people are always telling me, “Don’t, don’t, don’t pick on the nuts-and-bolts people. They’re very sensitive, and their world’s slipping away.” I get, I get to suggest it to me all the time. Well, they’re going to need to get off their nursing bottle eventually. That’s all I can say. But, no, no, you know, really, in defense of the nuts-and-bolters, it certainly does feel real, doesn’t it?
Um, yeah. I mean, one time I was set on fire. Yeah, that felt real. I won’t go into my times of being abused for being honest and truthful. The world doesn’t tolerate it. Um, yeah. So I’m not arguing, I’m not even arguing that there are, quote, “nuts-and-bolts UFOs.” In a certain sense, sure, why not? Are there other species in the universe? Yeah, yeah, there are. There are… I’ve, well, I’ve met two of them, actually three, if you count pure-plasma-only life forms. I’ve had three of them, I mean, over my whole life. And did I immediately jump up and down and tell everyone about it? Why, no, because I thought they’d think I was bonkers. I had to wait these… I had to wait over 50 years before I could start talking about it. Let other people be bonkers ahead of me, and then I can talk about it.
So, humans are cosmic mitochondria. We are like a little cell in a larger cosmic body, and we generate all this dream substance and dream energy. Now, the horrible, tragic, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible mistake that people have made for thousands of years is they call this stuff their soul. And then, once you’ve got this soul, you got to protect it, and then you’re all worried about, you know, you need some, like, sky daddy to, you know, take charge of it, because if that’s all you really are, the soul, then it’s got to be protected, because if it’s not, you’ll die. Well, and I take no joy in this, I guess the joke’s on all of us, and I didn’t know this all the days of my life, maybe most of them, but this dream substance that gives us the feeling of being alive in a body, it’s not our soul. It’s a work product. It’s what we produce. It’s like a hormone we produce, you know, or a polypeptide chain, or, you know, use your biological metaphor. We produce this stuff, and it has a function.
It’s involved with what’s called the imaginal. If you study, uh, Jeff Kripal’s books, you know, Corbin, other people, um, they talk about the imaginal. Well, the imagination needs a substance, you know. It’s like, well, there’s these waves, but what are they waving in? You know, like electromagnetic energy, and then you’ve got to invent hypothetical substance, or argue that they aren’t necessary and become a pure math guy, um, unfounded from reality, that sort of thing.
So, this dream substance is very important. Um, people want to compare it to loosh, this thing from Robert Monroe. I guess it’s kind of like food. And then, oh, but once you go there, it’s just as bad, if not worse, than thinking this stuff is your soul. It’s not your soul, and it’s not food, in that sense. Other… are there other machine-elf-type processes that continue to process your processing sub-element, both during life and afterlife? Why, yes. We’re part of this vast body of the one being, in its life processes.
And, uh, by the way, I just turned off, of course, most of the, uh, non-theistic scientists. I’m not a theist either, by the way, per se, not at all. You know, you want to call these processes the, the higher laws of physics? I’m all for it. Um, potentiality and awareness don’t go telling us we’re sinners, and that they made us to be damned, and so that they can enjoy our smoldering suffering for eternity, like the Old Testament does. No, potentiality and awareness is a big sea of love that allows all the nasty stuff to happen too.
We’re big boys and girls. I know it feels like we’re beat up here, but we’re big boys and girls. We’re part of something that is an afterthought, accidentally creates universes, okay? That’s how powerful these monads are that power us. And that’s not even, quote, “God.” Creating universes is a child’s task. These… the monads are like children of the most, most high, whatever, if you want to use those awful terms. You know, creating universes is a high school lab project, okay, for these guys, these monads that power us. And I spent a lot of time in monad consciousness, so I’m not blowing smoke up your ass.
And they don’t want us to kill people. They don’t want us to save people. They’re happy that we’re playing with each other here. But we play really nasty with each other, don’t we? We play very nasty. I wish, I wish we were more like cats, you know? I mean, cats will fight, but sometimes after fighting, they’ll bathe each other. See, they’ll lick each other. Wish humans were more like that. Actually, bonobos are a lot of fun, you know? We’re like 1.6% different from bonobo chimpanzees, and bonobos have sex all the time. The matriarchs run the place. You obey them, you get sex. You don’t obey them, you don’t get sex, and you’re cast out. Yeah, they have a very peaceful culture. But we, we’re more like the obnoxious other subspecies of chimpanzee, where they’ve been noted to use weapons to kill, now, in nature. I guess they’ve been watching us, you know?
Yeah, man. So, summoning UFOs. So back in 2013, I was just leaving a spiritual community because they wanted me to, uh, you know, represent them. They always want converts, you know, want you to go around on your little bicycle, whatever, you know, knock on doors, make money for them. And I just couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it. I learned a lot from them, though. And, uh, probably three-fourths of what they taught was actually just quite accurate. Isn’t that something? Yeah, there’s some real gems to be found in yoga.
So I was just leaving that community, and I was being prompted to look into UFOs. I thought, “Well, there’s something interesting. I never really thought about… you know what? I have a basic sense of how everything works from long years with it. I’ll bet that those are really spiritual manifestations and not physical nuts-and-bolts craft at all.” But I didn’t know for certain. I so I go, “Well, I guess I better summon one, because I guarantee I can.” I just knew I could summon one. I just had no doubt, zero doubt.
So I sat down, I figured out how to do it, using yoga, of all things. So I did the procedure. It took three days. I know, I guess I’m just not good at it. Some of these people, they just, they go out in the wilderness, and they use their little green infrared clicker, and they say that’s a UFO. Not one of those guys, okay? I’m not a… oh, better not say that word, everybody will know what I’m talking about. I’m not one of those guys. And, okay, fine, maybe the UFOs are attracted to that little green clicker, though people would look at the little green clicker and think that was the UFO. I’m not going to get involved in that subject at all. And I just did.
Well, anyway, so three days. And, uh, you can read about it, it’s on the website. It’s really not that important, most of it, for this conversation. You’d think it would be, but it’s, it’s less important than you might think, because the way that I summoned a UFO was like 100 times overkill. You know, 100 times overkill tends to be how I do things. You know, okay, so, you know, if it doesn’t work, get a bigger hammer. You know, that’s kind of, that’s kind of where I came from in life.
So, uh, yeah, um, I had the Oz effect. There was a field, several blocks, maybe a quarter mile, hard to say, around me. And, uh, that happened before the little life form came in and paralyzed me. And, uh, I felt that our spacetime was being overlapped by another spacetime. That’s what the Oz effect is. Uh, you’re temporarily sharing laws of physics with an adjacent world, and, uh, in this temporary spin-off spacetime, so to speak, all these crazy things can happen. And then when it breaks apart, there’s no evidence of it, or just some square- [cut off].
Or something. You see, all this, that’s some nuts-and-bolts-y chasing around radiation traces, and radar, and that… it’s just freaking insane and pointless, for the most part. Oh, now I pissed off a whole bunch of people. But you see, these are transient effects, and anybody will admit that. And that’s why they’re transient, in many cases. Now, there’s other ways you get those transient effects, like, say, you know, you shoot nukes or something in the upper atmosphere and upset the plasma, plasma life forms that live there. Yeah, they’ll, uh, they’ll get very motivated to shoot back, uh, remind you that they don’t want their babies being hurt. There, um, bunch of… I’m not going to say “horta,” that’s an old Star Trek episode. I love that episode.
But hortas are rock creatures, and these are plasma creatures. But, you know, the principle was the same. In the Star Trek episode, the miners broke into the horta nursery, these rock creatures, and there was these, like… oh, oh, I was set up. I was set up. I didn’t want to say this. Oh, I was set up. I’ll tell you who I was set up by someday. There was all these eggs, you see, in a horta nursery. Eggs. Oh my God, I was, I was set up. Oh, I got, got good.
So the miners broke in, and they broke the eggs, because, you know, they had, you know, silver, whatever they were mining for, in them. And then the mother horta wasn’t happy with it, so she went around eating people. Trying to… didn’t want to, but they were killing her babies.
So, yeah, humans are part of a larger ecosystem, and they refuse to be responsible. H, they refuse to be responsible with the ecosystem that we all know about, uh, not these other ones that we’re just becoming familiar with. So, you know, it’s like, well, why did you kill the baby horta? Well, they weren’t worth any money alive. See, that’s how we think, as humans, in this world. Everything’s about the little green pieces of paper. Of course, we’re having to make those digital, because we’re killing all the trees, you see. Then there won’t be any paper to, you know… Anyway, do I sound dubious about human beings?
Yes. And why is that? That’s because I’m dubious about human beings. And then you say, “Oh, what, you think you’re not one?” No, I’m a human being, guilty as charged. I’m a human being. I’m just a strange one, you see. I tell the truth. Yeah, I’m a strange one. I’m a mutant. I tell the truth.
So here we go, it’s approaching an hour. Anyway, my nickname was Wendy Kevin when I was little. And you know what my nickname is now? Yeah, still Wendy Kevin. Yeah, it’s my nickname or… Kev.
So I guess I need to really start getting to the point here. So humans are constantly spraying, spraying around this dream stuff. You know, when they die, they eject it all. There’s a dream-stuff, uh, ejection subsystem built into the human being. And sometimes that’s activated prematurely, and then you have, like, a out-of-body experience, astral projection, near-death experience. Um, yeah, we’re supposed to dump all that life’s work, because it’s not us. It’s our work. It’s not us. And, oh, everybody’s… come on, okay, well, I want a soul, I want a soul! If that’s not us, where is my soul?
Well, you sort of got one. The monads, either singly or as teams, they form these little processing units, these work-accomplishers, these “souls,” if you want to call them that. And they’ll last for trillions of years, sometimes. Yeah, but like any good Buddhist knows, nothing lasts forever. So, yeah, the monads, they power lives. You know, like, I don’t know how many lives I currently have. A trillion of them, right now. See, I’ve seen so many of them over the years. Um, we all have them.
So that, I guess that’s the thing. We don’t have one soul, so to speak. We have all of them. We are all of them. See, that’s the trick there. That’s the trick. So don’t worry about your soul going to hell. And humans created hell, by the way, of course. See, hell is a nasty dream. It was never in any holy book, really, till some guy thought of it. Okay, fine. Now, “See, we’re losing worshipers, and how do we stop that? Now, we promise them that they’ll live forever, but they know this now, so, oh, they just go off, and they don’t need us, because they’re going to live forever now, I mean, at least when they die. So they’re not putting money in the offering plate anymore. What do we do? Oh, yeah, we’ll come up with hell, and we’ll make them so afraid of it. And if they don’t, like, show up weekly, well, we won’t give them their hell-avoidance stamp on their hand, like a bar stamp, you know, at the nightclub.” Wow.
And that’s, you know, that’s worked great ever since. Um, there was a, uh, a Catholic bishop, very famous for this, and, uh, you know, if I was a scholar, I’d be dangerous. I’m not a scholar, just a guy. Um, his name was, like, oh God, I’m going to butcher this. Oh, I’m glad I’m myself, where it’s just not based on my remembering every last little stupid scholarly detail in 10,000 topics. Is this not important? Like, [Arius], something like that, came up with hell. Of course, Augustine, possibly the worst human ever to live here, him and [Arius]. And I’m butchering the name, but the people that know this stuff will laugh and pat me on the head and go, “Well, I got a PhD, so I know how to pronounce this.” And I don’t, I don’t know how to pronounce it, okay? I’ll get it down eventually.
But they invented hell. It never existed before they invented it. And, uh, and then they convinced, uh, they also convinced all these people that this payload of plasma symbiosis that we generate as cosmic mitochondria, that that’s the soul, and we’ve only got one of them, and we got to get our weekly bar stamp by showing up for a, you know, a dining session, or whatever you want to call it, and then put money in the plate.
Gosh, human beings have been so denigrated, when we’re one of the most amazing creatures anywhere, in all of everything. We’re really amazing. Our potential is amazing. And look, we piss it away. We piss it away. Look at us. We’re almost, we’re in the early stages of before we go extinct. We’re pissing it away. And now, at the very end, what are people doing with it? And I’m guilty of it, I did it too, but I only did it once, because I had to find out what it was. So now I know what it was, I don’t have a lot of reason to do it again. But we’re taking this dream substance, and we’re summoning up UFOs. Yay! We’re summoning up UFOs!
We don’t know who we are. We don’t know who we are, where we come from, why we’re here, here. We don’t know anything. There’s all these people, they want to summon up UFOs to titillate themselves. It’s what I call spiritual masturbation. Um, I mean, it really was exciting, trust me. That thing that I, uh, summoned up, it was the size of, like, a 747, a few hundred feet above my head, more detail than when I look at my wife. Yeah, it was just freaking amazing. And I guess people want that thrill. I… I mean, I wanted the information. I had a test protocol, and, um, I commanded the, uh, summoned unit to do these various things so I could check it off my investigatory list, and it did all of them, rather polite.
But, yeah, the whole experience fried my mind. It took me, it took me like 10 years to recover, um, all the way. And I had to create platonic surrealism. Well, I remember it, it’s, it’s from a home class, one world over. I teach it there. I teach, it’s a home class on platonic surrealism. It’s just a good, tidy way to run your life so that people can’t take advantage of you, and your suffering is great, greatly reduced, and you gain some abilities, even, some people. Anyway, depends what’s in the movie script.
But, uh, no, I understand, summoning a UFO once may be a good idea. There’s people that seem to be doing it all the, the time, though. And I, I swear it’s more for masturbation, but maybe they’re just slow students, maybe they, they, you know, it’s part of their script. I’m not going to put them down. I put them down. I apologize. I don’t mean to put anybody down. I really don’t. I really don’t. We’re all playing out our movie script, me too. We all are. My movie script is to be that obnoxious guy that knows way too much that nobody listens to. And that’s my role, you know? I own it. I, I’ll be content with it.
So what’s happening when you summon a UFO? Well, you’re taking some of your dream substance. Uh, generally, there, there’s various ways to do it. Now, I’m not going to talk about the… oh, and I’m going to, I’m going to step in it. I’m not going to talk about the, I don’t know, human-trafficked little boys the government steals, or whoever is doing it, and turns them into psionic soldiers, and that kind of crap. No, I’m not, I’m not going to talk about those methods. I have a pretty good idea what they’re doing.
But, uh, the nicer people, they’ll say, “Well, concentrate on your heart, and make it all big and lovely, and you have to get all the stress out of your body.” They’re right. Yeah, you have to get all the stress out of your body, and you have to get in this certain framework of mind. It’s very true. Now, what they, they don’t know, a lot of these people, some know it, but what they’re doing are steps for what’s called a Kundalini Yoga awakening. That’s what they’re doing. They don’t know it.
I’ve said this before, a couple times, in other videos. People aren’t willing to learn discipline and practice and to do things for others. They want cheap thrills and quick results. They’re not willing to spend a whole lifetime becoming, as Barber put it, a Shaolin monk. He said, “Well, yeah, you can become a Shaolin monk and do this.” See, he knew. He knew Shaolin monks can do this sort of thing. It’s a different tradition. I guess they’re more Daoism than Kundalini yoga, but it’s all very similar stuff.
So you put yourself in this particular state, and what you’re doing, actually, is you’re then ejecting a slug of dream substance out of your body, and that will attract something, I guarantee it. You know, regular, normal people, not fruitcakes like me and these other guys, they do the same thing all the time. You know, let’s say your father is nearly on his deathbed, you can’t get to him in time to be with him, so you shoot some of your love out at him in this dream substance form, and he recognizes it, and you spend a moment with him, and then he dies. Or maybe after he dies, you know. Uh, now, after death, there’s a lot to say about after death.
But yeah, a lot of people die into their dream. They live in their dream substance body for a while. Um, it’s, it doesn’t last forever. It’s like the Greeks said, with manes, they kind of decay over time. Not always. I mean, you can live for a trillion years in your dream substance body, and a lot of people try it. You know, that’s what the fairies do. They’re living in dream substance bodies created by humans that died. That’s… see, reread Joshua Cutchin. He doesn’t actually say it, per se, but that’s what he was writing about.
Now, how do you know this, Kevin? Well, I’ve got awareness. I’ve got awareness that goes all over the place. So I know these things. And it’s not just because I can know things that were maybe only written down in one place in the whole world, and someone go, “Wow, how did you get that book?” And I’ll say, “What book? I don’t read books.” So this is my life. And half the time, am I delusional, or arrogant, or completely wrong, or whatever? Sure, half the time, whatever. This is a very slippery business.
But in any case, when you try to summon a UFO, you are, basically, in a sense, offering a bit of yourself up as food. Now, again, it’s not really yourself. It’s your work product. Your awareness can live in it for a while, but it’s not your permanent home. It’s just a temporary thing associated with you. And I’m not even going to go on my usual rant about stupidity of confused thinking and lack of basic high school education to even say the word “demon.” Okay, well, at least in most other civilized worlds, they do basic education, and their citizens aren’t complete nitwits talking about demons. But it’s a matter of education, you know? We’re really primitive here on Earth.
So that’s generally what happens when you summon a UFO. You put out this, uh, information packet with an energy carrier, and it attracts something. Now, what will it usually attract? And this is a little scary, but it’s not you. See, if you shoot out some of this dream substance, and it doesn’t have a specific purpose, if you kind of just let it go shooting out there, you know what you’re almost certainly going to attract, 99 times out of 100? Oh, man, some might call them soul collectors. Yeah, and that’s another scary thing. And now I’m going to have to spend five minutes convincing people I don’t mean souls. Um, I don’t mean souls. But, uh, yeah, it’s kind of like, there was an anime that had a, this lady that, uh, has soul collectors. And, uh, that’s a really good metaphor. But,
…nope, not souls, but the universe, in reality, in general, doesn’t waste energy. So if you just piss some energy out there, so to speak, some information, it’s looking for a home. Um, the most likely thing it’s going to attract is one of these, uh, machine elf worker processes that tidy up such death fragments.
Now, see, this is before you die. See, it’s a shamanic, a shamanic type of summoning, so you haven’t died, but it’s the same sort of scenario. So they’ll show up, and they’ll make use of the work product. They’ll, they’ll collect it, and they’ll put it where it belongs. And they’ll often appear as, in particular, a black triangle UFO. Yeah, there’s my… those are my googly eyes. That’s often what they appear, appear as.
And you want to know why? Is it because there’s TR-3B secret craft out there, and they’re imitating them? Why, no. In alchemy, the symbol of the soul is a triangle. H, you know, all those stories about people from other planets, they show up with a uniform, they have a triangle on their chest? Hello? Wakey, wakey, fried eggs and bakey. Yeah, that’s a quote from Kill Bill. Um, see, just let this stuff sink in.
Yeah. And, uh, can these, uh, dream substance, uh, machine elf energy collector things, can they be solid? And can they appear on radar? And, uh, can you, like, hit them with a wrench, like happened? You know, there, there, there’s been events where these things have been just as solid as anything. Well, yes, they can do that if they want to. It’s a form of dream, right? The dream of physical reality. And sometimes it serves a function.
You see, these things are multi-concurrent purpose. So, yeah, it shows up, and it, it takes care of this little dribble of energy that you put out there trying to summon a UFO. But, you know what? The same information-energy complex, archive, multi-dimensional, super-transcendent thingamabob might have 10,000 concurrent missions. It might appear as somebody’s dead grandma that same instant. It might do this, it might do that, it might do this, it might do that.
So when you summon one of these things by, well, ejecting your, your work product, your love, if you want to call it that—love is one of the better forms you can use, by the way—it shows up, and it, it’s kind of a high-weirdness super-bomb that affects all these people in a large area. And guess what? Everybody might see something different. Imagine that. See? Uh-huh, uh-huh. See? Jacques Vallee knew what he was talking about. All these people know what they’re talking about. Two people can say to each other and see two different things, because what has been summoned has multiple concurrent purposes.
It’s a hyperobject. Now, there’s a gentleman, friend of, uh, Jeff Kripal… Kripal, Kripal, oh Jeff, forgive me, I always screw your name up. Kripal, Kripal, K-R-I-P-A-L. He invented the concept, or somebody like him did, and it’s just a masterful thing. Keep it in mind: hyperobject, does multiple things at once.
Um, I always say that there is no ineffable. I make that big joke about it almost every video. Now, you take the “in” out, and it’s no longer ineffable, it’s effable. That means you can understand it. See? I just explained it. I just explained it.
Now, is there more to know about summoning UFOs? Sure, sure. I could talk about it for days, or other related topics. Yeah, sure, lots to know. But this is what people need to know. And I wish these freaking people out there, masturbating all over us with their little spiritual summonings of UFOs, I really wish that they would all, every last one of them—I mean, even the evil ones that are abducting children, I wish they’d all watch this video—so they would know what they’re doing. And, of course, people abducting children, I wish they’d go to prison for the rest of their lives, needless to say. But this needs to get out! I’m pounding my hand on the desk here. This needs to get out!
And this is just a short primer. There’s a lot more supporting evidence for this, going back thousands of years, and going into science. There’s a lot to be said on this topic. But there you go: Summoning UFOs 101. What You May Not Know About Summoning UFOs is now complete. Put your seats in the upright position and your trays in the down position, and the pilot is now landing this plane. I’ll talk to you next time. Bye-bye.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain