Which is also a pixel by pixel perfect match of this album cover.

Latest update:
Within an hour of my releasing the evidence of this ‘Alien’ on the Internet, the evidence of the WHOPPER OF A MISTAKE
or out and out intentional disinformation (I’m not saying by whom, Mr. Greer might well have been given given this false
information by a trusted party) but in any case, within an HOUR the link above went dead, and ‘all this’ has been covered
up on all known ‘UFO/Disclosure channels’ even though I sent the proof to the original parties and many others.
What’s so disturbing is not the coverup, and the refusal to admit to a mistake (or out and out fraud when caught red-handed),
but what disturbs me so much, is that someone had the money and the gang of hackers available to ‘hack’ the public website
Soundcloud.com a large and trusted company, or to ‘order it done’ (if the Government) IN UNDER AN HOUR.
No legal process such as a court order could have been done in UNDER AN HOUR.
Latest, latest updated on 2/24/2025 the ‘evidence’ was put back 4 hours later. That only compounds the crazy.
There is little point to continue communicating actual, valid information, in this post-truth ERA, semi-police state that we live in.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain