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(a comment about a YouTube Video)
One might almost think that this influenced Platonic Surrealism, but no, PS was forming in me, in the womb and before it appears.
People might think that I just ‘hate Christianity’ and in a sense I do. Because it is so twisted and hateful.
Now i don’t hate Jesus. Not at all. Jesus was the real deal, as a self-admitted “Son of Man” (a normal person).
And it was Paul that destroyed the simple words of a loving man.
All ‘God concepts’ are wrong you know.
All of them.
(Mine too, not that ‘God’ matters in Platonic Surrealism, we don’t traffic in toxic ideas).
On the other hand, a MAMMOTH, Amazing being DOES exist, and you can call that AMAZINGNESS
“God” if you want, but then you corrupt it with the thousands of years of mental illness wrapped into
that word.
But in any case, this is perhaps the most thoughtful video on Christianity on the entire Internet, insofar as
I’m concerned.
And in a sense? Yes, Christianity IS a morality test, just like the video says.
It’s a test to see if you let love conquer your heart, like it did Jesus, or whether you fall pray to this 2,000 year old stain on humanity.
And remember, Jesus said to “Love your neighbor”, not to empty your 9-millimeter, 13 shot extended semi-auto gun into someone
who disagrees with you. There are literally thousands of Americans who would blow away Jesus if he came back, just because
he is colored brown and doesn’t speak their language.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain