I learn something new every day! I heard this on a podcast, and it turns out to be true!
“There is evidence to suggest that fetuses do engage in sexual behavior, including masturbation, while in the womb. Here are some key points:
- Ultrasound observations: Studies have used ultrasound to observe fetal behavior, including sexual behavior. These observations have shown that fetuses as young as 16 weeks can engage in sexual behavior, including masturbation.
- Sexual differentiation: It’s essential to note that sexual differentiation, including the development of genitalia, occurs early in fetal development, around 8-12 weeks.
- Brain development: Research suggests that the brain’s sexual response centers are developed by the 20th week of gestation, which could support the idea that fetuses can experience sexual sensations.
- Important context: While these findings are intriguing, it’s crucial to understand that fetal masturbation is not the same as sexual behavior in adults or children. It’s primarily a reflexive action, and not a sign of sexual awareness or desire.
It’s also important to note that the study of fetal behavior is still a relatively new field, and more research is needed to fully understand fetal development and behavior.”
One of the most commonly cited studies on this topic is:
- “Fetal masturbation: A study of sexual behavior in the womb” by Giorgio Giorgi and Giancarlo Piomboni, published in the journal “Sexologies” in 2015.
The study observed 15 fetuses between 22 and 38 weeks of gestation using 4D ultrasound and found that 14 of the 15 fetuses exhibited some form of sexual behavior, including masturbation.
More references:
Giorgi, G., & Piomboni, P. (2015). Fetal masturbation: A study of sexual behavior in the womb. Sexologies, 24(3), e115-e119. doi: 10.1016/j.sexol.2015.03.002
- Sonographic observation of fetal masturbation: A 2010 study published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine observed fetal masturbation in 10 out of 20 fetuses between 28 and 38 weeks of gestation.
- Reference: Meizner, I., & Elchalal, U. (2010). Sonographic observation of fetal masturbation. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 29(9), 1281-1284.
- Fetal sexual behavior and its relationship to maternal hormones: A 2017 study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior explored the relationship between fetal sexual behavior and maternal hormone levels.
- Reference: Piomboni, P., & Giorgi, G. (2017). Fetal sexual behavior and its relationship to maternal hormones. Hormones and Behavior, 87, 111-116.
- 4D ultrasound observation of fetal behavior: A 2018 study published in the Journal of Prenatal Medicine observed fetal behavior, including sexual behavior, using 4D ultrasound.
- Reference: Kozuki, M., & Ando, H. (2018). 4D ultrasound observation of fetal behavior. Journal of Prenatal Medicine, 12(2), 1-6.
So, what to make of this?
All that guilt about the topic, from religion really is PURE NONSENSE. Another way to control you and make you suffer,
as the purpose of religion is to make you suffer, so that you can go to the leadership for your ‘feel good’ that slightly then
ameliorates your suffering and puts them firmly in control of you.
Now, sexuality is a deep topic, and I’m not suggesting that unlimited masturbation wouldn’t have consequences. And in fact,
if you want to do that, there’s ways, and there’s ways… some of which contribute to a ‘path’ in life. Tantra you know, though
really Tantra is pretty misunderstood.
But in short?
No need to feel guilt, and that those religions that harp on this.
Well, this kind of debunks all of them.
Unless of course you want to believe that you are EVIL from before birth, and that as a 16-month-old fetus you are already EVIL
and damned without their human-created, political control system.
If you are in the grips of that, you sort of are damned — it’s very difficult to free yourself from the dark stain of EVIL (that religion).
It is the RELIGION that is more often than not EVIL, not the innocent behavior that starts at 16 weeks in the WOMB.
Now what is ‘EVIL’. It’s a catchword really, not a dualistic thing. It just means ‘asshole-ish human-created mind-control framework
or activity, to take from you, and to give to them. To diminish you, to enrich some other human.
Really over 99% of all ‘EVIL’ is purely of human origins.
I hope this was eye opening.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain