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Platonic Surrealism (PS)
A Neoplatonic framework with strong elements of Neutral Monism, Analytical Realism and Natural Scientific Concepts (pre-corruption of Scientism). The purpose of the framework is to be a tool to help heal very damaged mystics and ‘Experiencers’ and to act as a research launchpad for future humans who wish to unfold their actual potential, not just the awful ‘party-line’ that culture imprints forcibly on all of us. It is admittedly deconstructive, but equally constructive. PS considers itself to be like the ‘Foundation’ in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and Empire series, and a more complete continuation/refresh of the work of the giants who came before such as Plato and Nietzsche to name just a couple.

POTENTIALITY: The sum total of all possibilities, unexpressed, and all the possible interaction sets those properties could have if expressed. POTENTIALITY is timeless and formless but is the highest order ‘cosmic field’ which contains all the seeds of what is possible).

AWARENESS:  The ability to reflect, to be sentient. The ability to form and conceive causal links between potential and active properties. AWARENESS is a cosmic scale ‘field’ in a manner of speaking).

PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS: The sum total of all the ruminations of AWARENESS about the passive properties of POTENTIALITY, without acting upon any of it).

Fractured CONSCIOUSNESS: (see Deception.) When AWARENESS ponders subsets of PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS as mediated by ‘space and time’, you get a highly fragmented result, all of it pretty much SURREALISTIC, incomplete and inherently painful and confusing.

DECEPTION: (see “The Laws of Physics”.) The primary creative power, since only one thing actually exists (POTENTIALITY) but so that things might SEEM to appear to exist, which certainly IS a subset of ‘POTENTIALITY’, you need DECEPTION as “The only law of physics”.

THE LAWS OF PHYSICS:  A temporary island of stability, largely based on mathematical properties and interactions dreamed up by a subset of PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS and the ordering by AWARENESS as mediated by Monads.

Monads:  A ‘quantum’ (please don’t scream mainstream science, its just a metaphor, not pseudoscience) of the minimum ability to perform functions of AWARENESS as it mediates between POTENTIALITY and PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and between PRIMORDIAL CONSCOUSNESS and particular ‘space-time pallets’ created as a workspace. Monads have the ability to retain information, to ‘remember’ a unique perspective that starts at the ‘birth’ of the Monad and continues until a Monad decides to ‘stop curling awareness back on itself to see itself’ and thus cease existing. Metaphorically you may consider Monads to be ‘Boltzmann Brains’ situated between timeless and time-full regions of what potentially or supposedly actively exists.

Boltzmann brains: is a hypothetical, self-aware entity that could form randomly in space. The idea is that a Boltzmann brain is more likely to exist than the entire universe. (This is a science definition.
Isn’t it pretty funny that ‘Boltzmann brains’ really ARE more likely than a universe! As Universes are emergent properties due to the interactions
of Monads).

The Movie/Movies

The result ‘within POTENTIALITY’ of its interaction with AWARENESS, an active subset of it, that
causes PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, which is not stable, as it symmetry breaks into FRACTURED CONSCIOUSNESS through the mediation of MONADS that form, and further into things like apparent ‘space/times’. All this ‘divine play’ causes ‘movies’ (all possible ones at once),
one of which we are currently viewing as humans (see definition below).

UFOs (not UAPS, UAPs are purely human)
A deception system maintained on many levels concurrently. In ancient times, UFOs were known as angels, demons, Fae Folk, etc. But since moderns have been voraciously programmed to believe in ‘the supernormal’ in terms of ‘UFOs’, the ‘paranormal’ is generally sought after in this manner. Probably 95% of so-called ‘UFOs’ are in fact human deception systems that began in the early 1930’s and during World War II.

Actual ‘UFOs’ are in fact plasma lifeforms, fungal lifeforms infused by plasma lifeforms, artificial intelligence infused by plasma lifeforms, or rarely ‘hyper objects’ summoned from adjacent universes (infused by plasma lifeforms) that touch ours, that have tens of thousands of concurrent forms and functions, thus explaining why different people see different things.


A hybrid lifeform infused by all of the following:

Chimpanzee DNA functionally, as we are 98.4% identical to chimpanzees.

Viruses, bacteria, and the unary Plasma Lifeform, that inhabits the 99% of the Universe not made of atomic matter, and further burrows into the living parts of the remaining 1%.

Streams of awareness, as mediated by Monads, Fractured Consciousness and further modified by ‘the Movie’ (space/time fabric, which has already played out, leaving us here in the ‘past’ to experience it).


The sum total of the definitions for:








Kevin Cann
Public Domain
