Familiarity with Kundalini folklore. However, an overview of Kundalini from the Tantric and Trika Shaivism perspectives, from ‘public knowledge’ is included as reference1
Familiarity with the book, A New Science of Heaven: How the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience by Robert Temple2.
Familiarity with Platonic Surrealism in general is helpful, but included is a brief overview as refernece3.
These references are provided by Gemini AI advanced 1.5 unless otherwise noted.
I understand that all those ‘assumptions’ are a lot to deal with, if you haven’t spent much of your life with an active Kundalini. In my case for 64 years. Really, it cuts to the chase of why some people are ‘rabid believers’ (the cold plasma runs rampant in their body quite noticeably and sometimes produces effects in the ‘real’ world, while for others, who have ‘sleepy cold plasma’ in their bodies, it’s just all nonsense.
Quite understandable.
A Quibble about the phrase “cold plasma”, especially ‘in the body’
When I was researching this document, (to give references, the material itself is as obvious as the nose on my face) the regular version of Gemini AI got all snitty, claiming that there couldn’t be ‘cold plasma in the body’ as plasma is only ionized gas, and there isn’t any of that in the body.
So, I asked Gemini AI with deep research to research the topic, and it instantly concurred that the term ‘plasma’ simply means ionized particles in ANY state of matter, not just gas.
So ‘fluid plasmas’ in the human body ARE a thing and well documented at that.
But it’s an admittedly publicly suppressed field of research, due to the military intelligence applications of this topic, which have been in effect for at least fifty years.
Kundalini and Deception
Kundalini is IN PART based on cold plasma in the body. But just in part. Kundalini is associated with ‘physical’ components in the body, on ‘cold plasma parts of the body’ the ‘Etheric sheath’ and in fact ‘Kundalini rises up to meet the streams of pure AWARENESS emanating from the mediating Monads and PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS in general.
This mechanism, where the formless and the formful meet in the human body has been documented in numerous ways for thousands of years now. However hopefully all the confusion, misperception and active deception will start to be eradicated, if science gets off its Lilly white ass and begins an honest examination of the very infrastructure of mind and life itself, which exists here and now and is touchable and usable in the real world, not in some far off ‘metaphysical realm’ of confused spirituality and religion.
This document is more a bare beginning, and a call for further research, than some magnum opus on my particular observations, which are legion and more than 700 pages in length to date.
Just know, that if deception is involved, then directly or indirectly ‘Kundalini’ is involved, as while ‘Kundalini is cosmic’ on a level with the three great facets, POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS’, it’s the ‘apparently broken parts’ the interface between the ‘timeless perfection’ and the time-full bits and pieces in motion and apparent conflict that we are more experienced with here on Earth, plus the part of Kundalini known as ‘the Phenomenon’ and even ‘UFOs’.
For hundreds of years, people have sought Kundalini as a way to (as the propaganda goes) “Become a God, to become ‘Liberated’ in a single lifetime”. That’s the propaganda, that makes people, sometimes sacrifice their entire lives into toxic fire and madness to ‘pull the veil from the Goddesses face, and to become a ‘God’.
Well, an important public safety tip here; we ALREADY ARE part of the infrastructure of the ONE (POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS (PAPC)), and I understand the great pressure exerted on some, to feel this connection, to know this connection with the entirety of flesh, mind and emotions.
I get it.
But I was spoiled. I was born that way. But I’m not an ass; I’m doing my best to help.
What’s really happening is that as detailed elsewhere, humans are cosmic mitochondria4
It is our role to facilitate communication between ‘Heaven and Earth’ as it used to be called,
to generate as a byproduct of our living ‘Dream Substance’ (cold plasma modified by the ‘upper world’ of PAPC, and in general to support all the ‘divine play’.
This is why CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE TRICKSTER. It’s our job to generate the ‘play product’ and we ourselves use it in many ways, as well as the large ecosystem of ‘Dream Substance entities’, including our own ‘post death incarnations’ for those who want them, and who dilly dally as these forms before rejoining the one and only TRUE SELF. This includes the heavens and hells of religions, the Fairie Realms, the UFO Realms, and the ‘afterlives’ of all the other “Physical worlds’ like Earth.
This is why Ann Strieber said, “This is associated with death and the afterlife”.
She was right. She’s a lovely woman.
You are as likely to meet an alien from a different Universe, as you are to meet your old Uncle Joe, or a Faerie, in the ‘after life’ (called the Astral Realm, as it’s full of what looks like stars at first, but they
are in fact Monads).
Of course, I’m not telling people how to experience their NDE’s or their afterlives; that’s entirely up to you. But you should know damn well that it’s all being ‘projected’! What in hell did you think ‘light bodies’ and ‘light forms’ came from? The ‘Supernal Light’ — DUH! There’s obviously an infrastructure.
Kundalini in the BODY
It’s funny, in pseudo-academic work even, the references, provisos and apologetics may be longer than the actual meat of the topic. This document is no different.
Ok, let’s keep this short and sweet, and not discuss the ‘cosmic stuff’ anymore.
It seems to me, from 64 years of living with this, that the following facts are likely key facts that need further exploration:
The Pelvic Girdle Bones are an ‘Orgone’ Accumulator
(I said Orgone In honor of the great William Reich. Replace Orgone with Cold Plasma)
“The pelvic girdle bones, like all bones, contain crystalline structures. Here’s a breakdown:
- Bone Composition: Bone is a composite material made primarily of:
- Organic Matrix: Primarily collagen fibers, which provide flexibility and tensile strength.
- Inorganic Matrix: Primarily hydroxyapatite, a mineral salt that provides rigidity and compressive strength.
- Hydroxyapatite Crystals: Hydroxyapatite, with the chemical formula Ca₁₀(PO₄)₆(OH)₂, forms crystals within the bone matrix. These crystals are very small (nanoscale) and are organized in a specific way along the collagen fibers.
- Crystalline Structure’s Role: The crystalline structure of hydroxyapatite is crucial for the:
- Strength and Rigidity: It provides the hardness and resistance to compression that bones need to support the body and withstand forces.
- Mineral Reservoir: Bone serves as a reservoir for calcium and phosphate ions, which are essential for various bodily functions. The crystalline structure allows for the regulated release and uptake of these minerals.
- Pelvic Girdle Specifics: The bones of the pelvic girdle (ilium, ischium, and pubis) are primarily composed of compact bone (dense outer layer) and spongy bone (inner porous layer). Both types contain the same hydroxyapatite crystals within their matrix, contributing to their strength and function in supporting the upper body and enabling locomotion.
In summary: The pelvic girdle bones, like all bones, rely on the crystalline structure of hydroxyapatite within their matrix to provide strength, rigidity, and mineral storage capacity. This crystalline structure is essential for the proper function of the skeletal system.” – Gemini AI
The hydroxyapatite crystals in particular, which follow the collagen fibers are the key portions of note. They are nanoscale in size, which is critical for the reception and formation of cold plasma.
It’s the striated nanoscale particles, that in the presence of water are conductive, bracketed by layers of non-conductive collagen which form the 2 layer ‘dusty plasma’ manifolds that Robert Temple discusses in his referenced book.
I didn’t now this was factual, but just started writing it, then asked AI and it said this:
“Yes, it is accurate to say that hydroxyapatite crystals are layered with and embedded within collagen fibers in the human skeleton, forming a composite structure where the collagen provides flexibility and the hydroxyapatite crystals contribute the majority of bone’s rigidity and compressive strength; essentially, they are not separate layers but interlaced with each other at a microscopic level. “
HM. It happened again; I didn’t know this was documented, I just ‘saw’ it, but AI confirmed again:
“Water also plays a significant role in the composition of bone tissue as it is present within the collagen matrix and helps maintain the hydration and flexibility of the bone. The surface ions of hydroxyapatite are hydrated, and a layer of water and ions forms around the crystals.
So, it’s just like Robert Temple says; the cold plasma in the body is mostly in the spinal column and in the brain. He does not mention the pelvic girdle striations in his book, but ‘the Larger Life’ was polite enough for me to make this small additive contribution. Thanks!
So, we see, that the pelvic girdle naturally accumulates ‘cold plasma’ in some manner from the environment, but it also generates some of its own.
In addition, if you do ‘Kegel exercises and yoga’s ‘Muladhara lock’ the muscles tugging on the bones causes a piezo-electric effect which ‘pumps up the cold plasma’ and as they say, “irritates Kundalini awake” (with little electric shocks to it!).
You’ll note that other ‘yoga postures’ and ‘exercises’ also ‘tug on bone’ and generate little electric shocks to the associated bones and spinal system.
It should also be noted that it’s the Cerebral spinal system in the spine and in the brain’s ventricles
which are the most important repositories of ionic and protein peptide mixing, not actually the nerves themselves, which many Kundalini newbies falsely assume.
Finally, it’s the ‘Larger Life’ of which we are a part, that collectively influences what happens, even if you do all the ‘right things’ in terms of ‘forcing poor Kundalini awake’.
And if you just ‘do it’, you will go mad if it works.
It’s not a thing to play with.
But this information needs to be sent to the general public, so that humans may evolve out of this current self-inflicted death-spiral in which we find ourselves.
While I know much more about this topic, this is what needs to be researched; and I’d be happy to head up that effort with subject matter experts, but you’d have to pay me and provide all the required resources, if there is any hope to be had.
Reference (1): Kundalini: An Overview from Tantric and Kashmir Trika Shaivism Perspectives
Kundalini is an ancient concept that has intrigued spiritual seekers for centuries. Often described as a dormant energy residing at the base of the spine, Kundalini, when awakened, is believed to rise through the body, bringing about profound transformation. This process is not just a personal journey; it is also viewed as a potential mechanism for the evolution of human consciousness. This article will explore Kundalini from the perspectives of Tantra and Kashmir Trika Shaivism, with a focus on the phenomenon’s components in the human body.
Kundalini in Tantra
In Tantric traditions, Kundalini is seen as a fundamental force associated with the divine feminine, often referred to as Shakti. It is the energy that animates creation and sustains life. When cultivated and awakened through Tantric practices, Kundalini is believed to lead to spiritual liberation. Tantric texts use various analogies to describe Kundalini, such as a coiled serpent or a spiraling earring, symbolizing the potent energy that lies dormant within. This coiled energy is considered “the cradle of consciousness” and is associated with the pituitary gland, which regulates many bodily functions.
Kundalini in Kashmir Trika Shaivism
Kashmir Trika Shaivism offers a non-dualistic perspective, viewing the world as a manifestation of Shiva, the Supreme Consciousness. In this context, Kundalini is not merely an energy but the very power of self-awareness, the key to realizing our true identity with Shiva. It is the force that allows us to recognize our inherent unity with the divine.
This tradition emphasizes the importance of the subtle body, a network of energy channels called nadis and energy centers called chakras. Kundalini is the force that awakens and moves through these channels, leading to the dissolution of the ego and the experience of unity with the divine. According to Abhinavagupta, a renowned scholar of Kashmir Shaivism, there are two main forms of Kundalini: an upward-moving Kundalini (urdhva) associated with expansion and a downward-moving Kundalini (adha) associated with contraction.
Kundalini in the Human Body
While Kundalini is often described in metaphorical terms, it is also associated with specific physiological processes. The awakening of Kundalini is said to activate dormant areas of the brain, potentially increasing mental and spiritual abilities.
Mula Bandha
Mula bandha, or root lock, is a yogic technique that involves contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor. This practice is believed to help awaken Kundalini energy and direct its flow upwards through the body. In Kundalini yoga, mula bandha is often used in conjunction with other bandhas (body locks) to regulate the flow of energy and stimulate different areas of the subtle body.
The Three Primary Nadis
The three primary nadis involved in the flow of Kundalini are:
- Ida: The left channel, associated with feminine energy, lunar qualities, and the parasympathetic nervous system. Individuals with a dominant Ida nadi may exhibit qualities like receptivity, nurturing, and introspection.
- Pingala: The right channel, associated with masculine energy, solar qualities, and the sympathetic nervous system. Those with a dominant Pingala nadi may be more action-oriented, assertive, and mentally driven.
- Sushumna: The central channel, which runs along the spine and through which Kundalini ascends to the head. All nadis are said to originate from one of two centers: the heart and the kanda, an energy center in the pelvic area.
According to Hatha yoga theory, nadis carry prana, the vital life force energy. The Ida and Pingala nadis are sometimes interpreted as the two hemispheres of the brain, representing the duality of human experience. Interestingly, the three main nadis are also related to the Caduceus of Hermes, the symbol with two snakes intertwined around a staff. The two snakes symbolize Ida and Pingala, while the staff represents Sushumna, the central channel.
The Ascension to the Head
When Kundalini awakens, it is described as rising from the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, through the sushumna nadi, and eventually reaching the crown chakra at the top of the head. This process is often accompanied by various sensory and motor phenomena, such as tingling sensations, involuntary movements, and changes in breathing patterns.
As Kundalini rises through the chakras, it is believed to purify and activate these energy centers, leading to different levels of awakening and mystical experiences. Another hatha yoga text, the Khecarīvidyā, states that khechari mudra (a specific tongue position) enables one to raise Kundalini and access the stores of amrita (nectar of immortality) in the head. The final stage of the ascension is said to produce a profound transformation of consciousness, characterized by a sense of unity, bliss, and enlightenment.
Granthis: Psychic Knots
In yogic philosophy, granthis are psychic knots that create blockages in the flow of energy through the subtle body. These knots are associated with the three main bandhas: mula bandha (root lock), uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock), and jalandhara bandha (throat lock). By practicing these bandhas, it is believed that one can help to untie these knots and facilitate the smooth flow of Kundalini energy.
Potential Benefits and Risks of Kundalini Awakening
The awakening of Kundalini is often associated with a wide range of potential benefits, as well as some challenges.
Potential Benefits | Potential Risks |
Increased self-awareness and self-love | Intense physical sensations |
Healing of physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds | Emotional upheaval |
Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities | Psychological disturbances |
Deeper states of meditation and consciousness | Disorientation and temporary discomfort |
Reduced stress and anxiety | Misinterpretation as psychosis |
Improved cognitive function | |
Increased energy levels | |
Spiritual growth and a sense of interconnectedness | |
Enhanced creativity and artistic expression |
It is important to note that Kundalini awakening can sometimes be accompanied by intense experiences that may be misinterpreted as psychological or psychiatric disorders. Some individuals have reported feeling disengaged from their former sense of self, experiencing unusual sensory perceptions, or having difficulty distinguishing between inner and outer reality. It is crucial to approach Kundalini awakening with caution and respect, and to seek guidance from experienced practitioners if needed. If you experience any unusual or concerning symptoms, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure proper differential diagnosis.
Kundalini can also be awakened through shaktipat, the transmission of energy from a guru or teacher. This method is often considered a more direct path to awakening but requires careful preparation and guidance.
Personal Accounts of Kundalini Experiences
Many individuals have reported profound and transformative experiences associated with Kundalini awakening. These accounts often involve a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual phenomena.
One individual described their experience as a powerful energy snaking around their body, accompanied by intense heat and spontaneous orgasms. Another person reported feeling a surge of energy rising through their body, along with visions of colors, symbols, and historical events. Others have described experiencing heightened states of awareness, profound insights into the nature of reality, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all beings.
These personal accounts highlight the diverse and often unpredictable nature of Kundalini awakening. They also emphasize the importance of integrating these experiences in a healthy and balanced way, with proper guidance and support.
Kundalini is a powerful and multifaceted concept that has been explored in various spiritual traditions for centuries. While it is often described in metaphorical terms, it is also associated with specific physiological processes and can lead to profound personal transformation.
By understanding the components of Kundalini in the human body and approaching its awakening with respect and awareness, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. The awakening of Kundalini is not just about individual enlightenment; it is also seen as a potential pathway to a higher state of human consciousness, a state characterized by unity, compassion, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.
Reference (2): A New Science of Heaven: Exploring the Universe Through Plasma
Robert Temple’s “A New Science of Heaven” presents a revolutionary perspective on the universe and our place within it, challenging the traditional atomic model and exploring the fascinating world of plasma. This summary delves into Temple’s key premises about cold plasma and bioplasma, discusses the implications of his ideas, and examines the intriguing phenomenon of Kordylewski clouds.
The Plasma Universe
Temple argues that the prevailing atomic model of the universe is incomplete, as it fails to account for plasma, the fourth state of matter. Unlike solids, liquids, and gases, plasma is composed of charged particles – electrons, protons, and ions – and constitutes over 99% of the universe. This “plasma universe” has profound implications for our understanding of cosmology, astrophysics, and even the nature of life itself.
Temple emphasizes the distinction between hot and cold plasma. While hot plasmas, like those found in stars, have been extensively studied, cold plasmas, which exist in space and even within our bodies, remain relatively unexplored. He suggests that cold plasmas exhibit properties that hint at a form of “living” intelligence, forming complex structures like double helixes, cells, and crystals, and even controlling the flow of electric currents. These structures, he argues, demonstrate the self-organizing capabilities of plasma and its potential to generate an intelligence akin to a super-computer.
Within our own solar system, the recent confirmation of two massive plasma clouds, known as the Kordylewski clouds, located between the Earth and the Moon, further underscores the prevalence of plasma in our cosmic neighborhood. These clouds, long theorized but only definitively observed in 2019, raise questions about the dynamics of plasma in space and their potential influence on Earth and its inhabitants.
Bioplasma and the Human Body
One of Temple’s most intriguing propositions is the concept of “bioplasma.” He posits that our physical bodies are not merely collections of atoms but are also composed of plasma flows and currents. Each cell, he argues, has proton currents traversing its membrane, and the heart itself functions as an electromagnetic device. This bio plasma body, coexisting with our physical form, possesses a far more intricate structure and complexity than our atomic anatomy.
This bio plasma, Temple suggests, plays a crucial role in health and disease. Cold plasma research has shown promising results in various medical applications, including wound healing, cancer treatment, and stem cell proliferation. Temple suggests that by understanding and harnessing the power of bio plasma, we may unlock new approaches to healthcare and enhance our overall well-being.
Plasma and Consciousness
Temple’s ideas extend beyond the physical realm, delving into the nature of consciousness and spirituality. He proposes that bio plasma is the seat of consciousness and intelligence, with the physical brain serving as an organ utilized by the mind. This perspective challenges the traditional separation between physical and spiritual realms, suggesting a deeper interconnectedness between consciousness and the cosmos.
He further speculates that the universe is teeming with conscious plasma entities, including stars like our sun. This notion aligns with ancient wisdom traditions that viewed celestial bodies as living beings with their own forms of consciousness. By suggesting that consciousness may be an inherent property of plasma, Temple opens up new possibilities for understanding the nature of awareness and its relationship to the universe.
Plasma and Ancient Wisdom
Temple connects his exploration of plasma with ancient systems of knowledge, particularly the I Ching and ancient divination techniques. He suggests that these ancient practices, often dismissed as superstitions, may hold deeper insights into the interconnectedness of the universe and the flow of energy.
The I Ching, an ancient Chinese system of divination, is based on the interplay of yin and yang energies, which Temple relates to the dynamics of positive and negative charges within plasma. He proposes that the I Ching’s hexagrams, with their intricate patterns of lines, may reflect the complex structures and behaviors observed in plasma. By reinterpreting ancient wisdom through the lens of plasma physics, Temple suggests that these traditions may offer valuable perspectives on the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of all things.
Subjective Experiences of Kundalini
To further explore the concept of bio plasma and the flow of energy within the body, Temple draws on personal accounts of Kundalini experiences. Kundalini, a concept from yogic traditions, refers to a potent energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and can be awakened through various practices.
These accounts describe a range of physical and psychological phenomena, including intense energy flows, spontaneous movements, altered states of consciousness, and profound spiritual experiences. Temple suggests that these experiences may be related to the activation and movement of bio plasma within the body. He proposes that Kundalini awakenings may offer glimpses into the deeper energetic and conscious dimensions of our being.
Implications and Future Directions
Temple’s ideas have far-reaching implications for various fields of study. In astrophysics, the plasma universe model necessitates a reevaluation of existing theories and a deeper exploration of cold plasma phenomena. For example, the discovery of Kordylewski clouds and the observation of complex structures within plasma challenge our current understanding of celestial mechanics and the behavior of matter in space.
In biology, the concept of bio plasma could revolutionize our understanding of the human body and mind. Cold plasma research has already shown promising results in medical applications, and further investigation into the role of bio plasma in health and disease could lead to new treatments and therapies.
Moreover, Temple’s work encourages a shift in perspective, urging us to consider the universe and ourselves as fundamentally interconnected through plasma. This interconnectedness has implications for our understanding of consciousness, spirituality, and our place in the cosmos. By exploring the potential of cold plasma and bio plasma, we may unlock a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.
Synthesis and Conclusion
Robert Temple’s “A New Science of Heaven” offers a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of the plasma universe. By challenging the traditional atomic model and highlighting the significance of cold plasma and bio plasma, Temple opens up new avenues for scientific inquiry and encourages a paradigm shift in our understanding of the cosmos and ourselves.
His key premises, including the existence of a bio plasma body, the discovery of Kordylewski clouds, and the potential for plasma-based consciousness, have profound implications for various fields, from astrophysics to consciousness studies. While some of his ideas may seem speculative, they are grounded in scientific research and offer a fresh perspective on long-standing questions about the nature of reality.
Temple’s work also bridges the gap between science and spirituality, suggesting that ancient wisdom traditions may hold valuable insights into the energetic nature of the universe. By connecting plasma physics with concepts like Kundalini and the I Ching, he encourages a holistic understanding of reality that encompasses both the physical and the metaphysical.
“A New Science of Heaven” serves as a reminder that our understanding of the universe is constantly evolving. By embracing new scientific discoveries and exploring unconventional ideas, we can deepen our knowledge and expand our awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. Temple’s work is a valuable contribution to this ongoing exploration, inviting us to consider the universe and ourselves in a new light, recognizing the profound implications of a plasma-based reality.
Reference (3): A Short Synopsis of Platonic Surrealism and It’s Terms by Kevin Cann
Here’s the ‘short version’.
POTENTIALITY itself is ‘the potential’ to be anything, at any time, at any place. But in and of itself that’s nearly it. Then something happened. AWARENESS arose. One could argue that it always was there, as it’s ‘just’ a property set / interaction set like anything else, but it hits like a ten-ton block. I know that outside of time and space, saying ‘something suddenly happened’ is silly, but words you know — ever so limiting and corrupting.
Fascinated by this change where nothing changes (nothing happens as it’s all potential), POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS began playing with each other, forming all the dreams (movies) that could possibly exist. For reasons difficult to enumerate, these dreams/movies take ‘no energy’ (heresy to science i know), but when you are atemporal, you can ‘raid the cookie jar’ then ‘put the cookie back unconsumed before momma gets home’ to give you hell for it.
The major change was reproduction. Very early on (the first non-instant instant), our dynamic duo that are an UNO reproduced. (Yes, ‘fucking OURSELVES, to be very crude). This created that vast sea of monads (a quanta of being), all which are called ‘1 bit differential beings’ as they are just a smidge different than the ‘original’ (though in a mobius strip time looped a-temporal, aspatial way) there never really was just ‘one’ but simultaneously there really is just ONE. The ONE pretends to be many, so it has someone to play with.
When spiritual quanta play at being matter say, they ‘go to sleep’ and let themselves be pushed around very slowly. When spiritual quanta play at being energy, they zing around quite a lot, generally ‘chasing their own tails’ as there is little else to chase.
We must remember to thank our brothers and sisters who play ‘dead’ ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ for us, as they are the palette us little pretend beings, such as humans use to play even more fun games.
When we get tired, we take our turns slumbering as matter/energy or other very incomplete-seeming forms, for the sake of our kin.
Each monad is 1 bit away from being ‘everything’; it basically keeps one tiny ‘offset’ field in the data packet (to use a computing metaphor) and also ‘loops back on itself’ so that it has the ability, someday, to perceive itself.
This takes a maturation process and requires the diving into and out of ‘forms’ such as exists in Universes.
Now monads are NOT ‘pure awareness’ but dang close. And it hurts bad for a long time to be ‘incomplete’. So, while it’s fun, there’s that kernel of pain there.
Over time (by going into time/universes) you get this ‘grunge buildup’ that some call karma or samskaras or even ‘the Phenomenon’ or even ‘God’. You take all this stuff too personally, and you lock yourself into a pain-loop.
But like an amoeba that doesn’t know much from a supposedly ‘objective’ point of view at any rate, that amoeba will need ‘cattle prod up the ass’ from the environment as an impetuous to evolve in space and time. The kernel of AWARENESS gets its perfect beautiful mirror all smudged up.
Now here is a biggee — there is NOTHING WRONG with ‘slumming’ as an ‘ignorant human’ for most of eternity! Are you having fun, despite the pain? Well wonderful. I personally enjoy living as spores, molds and fungi — and puppies.
Believe it or not, despite what Eastern philosophies say, there is no NEED to become ‘enlightened’. Do you want to be 1% ‘enlightened’ for a trillion years, then stop there? Awesome sauce. Nobody is keeping score, not even you. Do you want to become 99% ‘enlightened’ and go around pretending to be Buddha or the like, across many worlds and times? Well, knock yourself out.
But if you want to suffer, then ‘God’, the human creation, the grunge that sticks on everything as a detritus layer, is highly effective. ‘God’ is really a masterful creation, as it makes everyone suffer, and suffering is one major way that YOU can ‘wake up’ if you feel like it.
The so-called ‘traumatic secret’ is really just the ‘amping up of pain’ to force yourself awake, to get away from the pain — and the only way to get away from the pain is to remember who you really are.
But ‘painlessness’ eventually leads to nonbeing, as if you are just happy all the time, then you start to fade away. All those quirks and self-defense mechanisms fade away (‘the traditional ego’), as you realize that it’s YOUR GAME, ALL OF IT, other than the fact that you are that ‘1 bit’ different than POTENTIALITY.
If you want to peel away trillions of years of detritus (consciousness) then just accept more and complain less. Experience pain if you must. No need to roll around in it, that just makes you a victim
We are the ALL, and we play hide and go-seek with ourselves, FOREVER. Hiding then revealing. Revealing then hiding.
Reference (4): Humans are Cosmic Mitochondria
I’ve been writing about this for years, indirectly. Really, everything that I have ever written comes down to this in the human world (as a bee-line process from Monads which moderate POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS.
I know it’s always said that the Phenomenon cannot be understood that Humans too cannot be understood in any ultimate sense, as once you meditate deeply enough, it’s peeling the onion, that there is no ‘core’ there. No ‘core self’. And in a sense that is true — at first. But eventually you come to identify with EVERYTHING. That there is only one core ‘SELF’ that exists.
But in Platonic Surrealism, like in hidden realizations of even major nondual teachers, there are myriad TEMPORARY SELVES (‘monads’ and descendent ‘data processing structures’), that are constantly changing, growing, entering and leaving relationships with each other “monads and monad substructures), so it is incorrectly assumed that there is no ‘permanent self’. But the ‘impermanence IS the permanence’.
For example, our brains, though they are only the mediators of consciousness, not the source of it, if you look at it, are like those monads; the neurons constantly changing, growing, forming, pruning connections. So, while people come to realize that there is no little magic man/woman in the brain (‘the permanent ego’), what IS permanent is that POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS are constantly and concurrently sending out ‘little remote probes’ into all the worlds and times that it dreams up, so that there are pallet’s for living beings to exist.
Let’s take a look at the Mitochondria at this point, so that we can draw further inferences:
“Mitochondria: The Powerhouses of Human Cells
Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of human cells. These tiny organelles are responsible for generating most of the energy that our cells need to function properly. Here’s how they do it:
- Cellular Respiration: Mitochondria convert the energy stored in the food we eat (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process is called cellular respiration.
- Energy Production: Mitochondria produce ATP through a series of chemical reactions that involve the breakdown of glucose and other organic molecules. This process releases energy, which is then stored in the form of ATP.
- Powering Cellular Functions: ATP is the primary energy currency of our cells. It powers various cellular functions, such as muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and protein synthesis.
Lynn Margulis: A Pioneer in Mitochondrial Research
Lynn Margulis (1938-2011) was an American biologist who made significant contributions to our understanding of mitochondria and their role in cellular evolution. Her work challenged the traditional view of cellular evolution and proposed a new theory of endosymbiosis.
- Endosymbiotic Theory: Margulis proposed that mitochondria evolved from ancient bacteria that were engulfed by the cells of early eukaryotes. Over time, these bacteria evolved into mitochondria, which became an integral part of eukaryotic cells.
- Impact on Our Understanding of Mitochondria: Margulis’ work revolutionized our understanding of mitochondria and their role in cellular evolution. Her theory of endosymbiosis provided a new framework for understanding the origins of mitochondria and their relationship with the rest of the cell.
Margulis’ contributions to the field of cellular biology have had a lasting impact on our understanding of mitochondria and their role in powering human cells.” –
Philosophical Fallout of the Very Real, Undisputed Facts about ‘Engulfed Beings’
I’ve heard it said that in a sense like Richard Dawkin’s ‘selfish genes’, in this model it’s the ‘genes’ that are the real passengers, and humans are the bodies which host them, which take care of them and pass them on.
In a similar sense, we are ‘containers’ for the ‘alien life forms’, the mitochondria. In a sense, the same Richard Dawkins metaphor applies.
So, who is being victimized?
The mitochondria? No, they are one of the most successful forms of life on the planet. Nearly ALL living things on Earth protect them, defend them, and pass them on into the future.
Humans? No. Without mitochondria there WOULD BE NO HUMANS AT ALL. There are long case studies that I won’t bore you with, but without the Mitochondria Eukaryotic cells and life WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE, due to the large energy requirements of these forms of life.
Mitochondria are little super-efficient power cells.
Are human demons’ that are ‘feeding on them’? No.
Are Mitochondria infesting demons? No.
The Little Discussed Fallout of Unity of Being
If only one being exists, and matter, energy and thought are all emergent properties of this being (not ‘god’, there is no ‘god’ in Platonic Surrealism, only POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and the play/imagination products that result).
Then everything is an information structure. Beings, Galaxies, Rocks.
And, as we have seen in Nature, there are structures that kill and eat other structures, and others, like the Mitochondria, some of the most successful being in reality, are in a wildly symbiotic relationship with all of life.
In short, ‘god’ (POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS) are ‘self-feeders’. It could be no other way, given that only one thing exists.
The “Phenomenon’s Fear”
So, the ‘Phenomenon’ is an imaginal collective of play products that cross space and time. There are pleasant parts of it, from the human perspective, and there are parts that seem far less pleasant to humans (the old ‘angels and demons’ concept, a relatively new concept, a ‘perversion’ really.
Really, everyone is both someone’s ‘demon’ and someone’s ‘angel’.
There’s this hysteria concept that ‘demons’ exist, and are wholly evil, and that they wish to corrupt and possess humans. Concepts like that didn’t really come along until after about 500 ACE, so it’s a relatively new concept developed, as a fear mechanism, used to control the will of people by religious authorities.
Really, it’s the exact opposite. It’s the HUMANS that have corrupted ‘nature elementals’ one might say, what was once beautiful, and innocent has been ‘fed back into’ the Phenomenon’ turning it into something it never wanted to be.
If anybody is a ‘demon’ it’s human beings.
We are committing global genocide on something like 150 unique, innocent species per day. (Ref:,as%2010%20percent%20a%20decade.)
The ‘Phenomenon’ first started educating me when I was twelve, 51 years ago, about this issue, and about the hysterical reaction that would come from humans when the situation was understood. So, there has been a great reluctance for the true nature of the Phenomenon to come out.
Perhaps it’s time.
It would seem so.
Humans are ‘cosmic mitochondria’ for the ‘Larger Life’ (Mind at large)
What is the Larger Life
- Platonic Surrealism is all about ‘the larger life, but let’s use the words of Bernardo Kastrup, as mediated by Please note that ‘the mind at large is originally a phrase used by Aldous Huxley and redefined by various people including Bernardo.
“Beyond the Illusion of Separation: The “mind at large” is the recognition that we are not separate individuals trapped within a material world. Instead, we are expressions of One Consciousness, experiencing itself subjectively through individual perspectives. - Unity Consciousness: The “mind at large” is the experience of unity – not just with other humans, but with all of existence. It’s the realization that we are all interconnected and part of a single, indivisible reality.
- Transcending the Ego: The “mind at large” involves transcending the ego, which is a limited and illusory sense of self. By relinquishing the ego’s grip, we can experience the boundless freedom and joy of being Consciousness itself.
- Living in Presence: The “mind at large” is about living in the present moment, fully aware of the ever-changing nature of experience. It’s about embracing the flow of life without clinging to fixed identities or clinging to past or future.
Key Differences from Huxley:
- Source of Liberation: For Kastrup, liberation comes from within, through the realization of our true nature. Huxley’s “mind at large” is imposed by a controlling society.
- Nature of Reality: Kastrup sees reality as fundamentally conscious, while Huxley’s World State denies the true nature of consciousness.
- Focus: Kastrup emphasizes inner transformation and the realization of our true nature, while Huxley’s focus is on social and political critique.
In essence, for Kastrup, the “mind at large” is not an illusion, but the ultimate reality waiting to be discovered within each of us. It’s the experience of liberation from the limitations of the ego and the realization of our true nature as Consciousness itself.”
Why Humans are Imaginal ‘Mitochondria’ and Not Just Food
You’ve noticed perhaps that humans are NEVER ‘killed by UFOs’ or the ‘Paranormal’?
Despite all the fear and wonder induced (which releases cortisol, which is part of a transport system to transit ‘imaginal energy’ from humans, humans are NOT killed.
Yes, some are harmed, especially by SIDE EFFECTS, such as 1.6 GHZ electromagnetic energy, or harmed when ‘abducted’ (I’m not denying harm in abduction, but that is a subject for another paper).
You could say that humans are being ‘farmed’, but that’s not accurate, not in the hysterical sense that humans take it.
We aren’t ‘farming the mitochondria in our cells’ and the mitochondria are not farming us.
We need to get past the inaccurate hysteria.
Humans are part of a vast, beautiful, loving and yes, sometimes terrifying being, and we are TREASURED.
Not as food.
But as imaginal generators of consciousness. As creative catalysts. As artists. As co-creators.
The Fae People
The ‘Fae’ really exist. They evolved from the ‘death fragments’ that humans generate after death; once dead, humans don’t need all that temporarily accumulated ‘dream energy’ they accumulated during life, as they are part of a greater structure.
UFO Entities
They also exist. They are created by ‘UFO frenzy’.
Heavens and Hells
They also exist, for some, in a limited form. They are also created by the dream substance generated by human beings.
Humans are like cryptocurrency computing results, for all the information entities (the only type of entity that exists).
Putting it all Together
From my perspective, from my observations, this should all be provable in the lab, to some degree at any rate. I’ve been involved with every step of the process of dream substance formation, as revealed to me by my own being, and memories of concurrent lives, through Kundalini yoga practice, from a NDE and a ‘UFO summoning’.
Long Term Abductees and Experiencers
That comes out the far end of things, ALWAYS ‘come to accommodation’.
By that I mean, they agree to share information, love and interaction, and once they do, oftentimes, the terrifying events come to a stop.
This is not ‘making a deal with a demon’.
It’s a cell interacting with its mitochondria.
Now there are stories of people using ‘cultural icons’ to ‘hold off the Phenomenon’ , such as the name of Jesus or Kali (I used Kali’s name once, the name of Jesus never did anything), of course I have known better for over 40 year now, that that sort of thing is silly.
For example using the name of Jesus can appear to ‘work’ sometimes, at first, and the ONLY reason for that, is that by using that cultural icon, you are tapping into a DIFFERENT PHENOMENON collective (the human-created god/Jesus/heaven dream-substance), so the ‘new guys’ (the UFO entities or whatever imaginal collective you have been exposed to) often backs off. It’s professional courtesy really. Once it’s realized that you are an ACTIVE ‘liver cell’, then the pancreas won’ try to put you to work. That sort of thing.
I had a nasty ‘run-in’ with the Skinwalker Ranch ‘hitchhiker effect’, when someone from Skinwalker Ranch asked me to intervene, on their behalf as a ‘shaman’. I had a nasty run-in with ‘the demiurge’.
I had a nasty run-in with YHWH, the son of El Elyon of Canaan (‘god’).
In all cases, all the poltergeist phenomenon, all the unpleasantness stopped, once I set proper boundaries between myself and ‘them’, but acknowledged that I would be of loving and creative assistance, would be a source of peace and generosity.
Then the negative phenomenon stopped.
No, I’m not ‘overshadowed’ or ‘corrupted’. I’m in my natural human state, like existed before the ‘farming technique’ organized religion became a thing.
I’m fully and gloriously alive, with love enough for MANY, human and non-human alike.
Once we understand who we are, and our place in things, then all this ‘ineffable stuff’ becomes childishly simple to understand.