I did a second interview on New Thinking Allowed (here) and I got this completely AWESOME comment from https://www.youtube.com/@WhirlpoolFarmer. Here is his comment and my response:
13 hours agoI ‘m supremely comfortable with our role as mere mitochondria in a vast superorganism. Or as a nutrient rich substrate for other entities grow upon. I mean, I do like to be helpful whenever possible. Besides, for those of us partial to the soul trap theory, it’s actually a step up. I mean, sure, we may well encompass a smidgen of the divine, but that doesn’t mean we’re actually sovereign. In fact, when I first heard Whitley Strieber posit that a great many of those loving light beings awaiting us at death are probably scavengers, I thought, nice one Whitley…I like your style. And I can quite get behind Kevin’s idea of dream energy also being a type of higher food. Indeed, you’d be amazed what passes for food these days. I’ve got this massive fruiting tree in my back yard, the fruit of which I’d long assumed to be poisonous. Yet it was recently pointed out to me that no, not only was the fruit edible, it was also sweet and delicious. But tell me Kevin, am I correct in assuming that these beings find our dream energy more digestible when refracted through various creative activities like art? And even more so when novelty and spontaneity is involved? If so, it’s about bloody time. Because art and artists are always being given short shrift by modern spiritual thinkers. It’s always presence-this, awareness-that, and isn’t it lovely how love so thoroughly loves love. Whatever this love stuff actually is. I mean, you seldom hear it, but love also contains no small amount of terror. Yet surely someone like Cezanne who risked his mental health in creating something completely new like cubism (thereby opening the way for abstraction) and changing the way so many of us now view the world…counts for something. But enough already. Great interview. Thank you both.
0 seconds ago “But tell me Kevin, am I correct in assuming that these beings find our dream energy more digestible when refracted through various creative activities like art? And even more so when novelty and spontaneity is involved”. You understand with perfection. Great job! Yes, the ‘Phenomenon loves the ones with big personalities — that’s why Whitley is so ‘blessed’. We aren’t prisoners here, but it can sure feel like that. It’s possible to stand with leg standing in the Pleroma, and one leg standing in ‘the Demiurge’, fully conscious of all worlds. We ‘can’t’ ‘run away from ourselves’ and ‘escape’ ‘the demiurge’, as WE ARE ALSO that. But we can stand firm, tall and beautiful, one leg (lots of legs there) IN ALL WORLDS AT THE SAME TIME. Thank you so much for your wise comment.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain