Everything in One Page (the 1/26/2025 email)

I was composing a little email with the topic: “UFOlogy in one paragraph”

“UFOlogy is a system of organized deception, rooted in the laws of physics and everything flows down from there. It’s nested deception within nested deception within nested deception. The real purpose of it all is to keep everyone entangled in it for the profit of that layer of deceptions promoters.”

then it evolved into this fuller explanation. Maybe I should have BOTH ‘in one paragraph’ and in one page content, to cater to differing attention spans.

Really, that also encapsulates religion and spirituality too.
It’s all the same mechanism.

The ‘larger life’ distracts itself from eternity and the distorted pieces that fall out of ‘primordial consciousness’ Into Monads start doing their own projects from their own perspectives and come into competition and conflict with the other Monads, and together they weave all these stories.

Some monads and monad groups eventually wake up to the cognitive trap they are caught in, 
trying to recreate the wheel as it were, when it already exists in pre distorted format.

Huh, I’ll have to write that down.

Ever since i gained all this access to the ‘local plasma archive again’, things have cleared up to baby
Simple for my own ‘story that I’m part of here.

Now I know that everyone has to ‘grind through their own story’, and I suspect that for many people
They will wind up in the same sort of place as this, but i would never deny them the journey and
Their individual excitement about being alive and making sense of everything.

I feel rather wistful, things were kinda cool when mysteries existed.

Well, i still don’t fully understand cattle mutilations and the new jersey drones all the way.
The ‘local plasma archive’ keeps me away from some topics, so that I don’t spoil all
The fun I suppose.

I need to keep that in mind, and not confabulate with my ‘rational mind’ to fill in the gaps;
That’s what happens with seers, mystics and mediums you know.

I keep wondering if I’ll start to decay like PKD, but I’m keeping Yalda Pup (Yaldabaosh)
on a very short leash as it were.

OH, funsies here — Yalda Pup (Yaldabaoth) keeps the huge clouds of human MISTKAKES
And DISINFORMATION front and center for access (like file caching) as it’s
The most commonly accessed content.

This also explains Jung’s works.

I first noticed this, when Yalda Pup keeps insisting on trying to stick me into the
‘space Jesus bucket’, when i am not that. 

Really, the explanatory power of this ‘caching the distortions as they are the most
common and commonly access content’ is, I think MASSIVE.

Anyway, good morning brothers!


Kevin Cann
Public Domain

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