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The psychological construct called the human ‘ego’ has spiraled out of control in a sociobiological arms race, of each individual being pitted against an overly complex, discordant, anti-life, anti-human global world culture.

This psychologically unhealthy explosion of ego probably started about 11,000 years ago, with the beginning of the horticulturist period, where people lived in closer quarters, with more specialized roles, causing more societal friction.

When humans were more nomadic, and more solitary, there was very little need to develop an ego or sense of self at all!

Have you ever wondered why ancient peoples had a much more porous senses of self, where they had difficulty partitioning themselves out from their close hunting/gather group, and most certainly did not partition themselves off from ‘the Universe’, as they had few concepts about themselves or universes, and those concepts didn’t necessarily give any survival value, so humans did not breed larger egos.

But as more humans got packed in close to each other, in very specialized roles, where the main predator a person had to deal with was no longer snakes, mountain cats or bears, for example, but their fellow man.

The ‘ego’ or ‘defense mechanism’ got put into an out-of-control evolutionary selection process, that began to breed ‘true’ in humans who were better liars, better ‘game theory players’ vs. other
human beings as being the primary adversary or danger to the individual.

The final major cognitive mistake that humans are taught is that ‘their thoughts are themselves’.
So, if someone disagrees with your memories of thoughts, conversations and opinions; then in a sense it feels like they are attacking you or even attempting to kill you. This is most true when a person loses dignity and wholeness, by ‘selling their souls to a religion, any religion actually.

Once a person ‘sells out’ to our toxic global culture or one specific subset of toxic global culture, namely religion, spirituality or political systems, then they lose much of the contact they could have had with the ‘other four brains at their disposal, not just the roboticized cultural imprinting.

This premise is hard to dispute on some level at least.

But let’s move onto a super brief mention of the other four brains that humans once had more wholesome contact with; this is admittedly ‘controversial’, but I don’t mind when other people are dead wrong; it makes the world more interesting.

(But… if you have access to the ‘ancient mysteries’; to a few of the advanced spiritual and mythic systems, then many of these concepts have existed for thousands of years, in rather misguided and poorly documented ways; as quite admittedly modern science has INDEED contributed to certain of these understandings.

Now one last statement; please do not think that I’m falling prey to the cognitive bias of the ‘golden age’ or the Noble Savage. There are indeed ‘brains’ (aware data streams from more complex cognitive structures embedded in the laws of nature).

The Five Human ‘Brains’

  1. The consciousness type of the culturally dominant left brain hemisphere, the home of the culturally imprinted ego, that literally causes us MOST of all pain that we will ever suffer.

  2. The consciousness type of the culturally insulted, derided and untrusted right brain hemisphere, the center of wholeness, creativity, artistry and ‘spiritual transcendence.
    Now I’m fully aware that the old ‘over-specialization claims of specific hemispheres and functions are not true; but yet this makes a good ‘rough’ conversational point. The beautiful parts of all humans’ beings are derided, and the often ugly parts of human beings are exalted.

  3. The enteric nervous system, or ‘the gut’, where about twenty percent of the neurons of our body live! Most people don’t seem to have the memo on this, and don’t understand the vast significance of this collection of neurons, that yes, have major functions in terms of digestion and the immune system, but which in fact are dual-use, and play a major role
    of communication with the fourth brain, the plasma unconscious.

  4. The plasma unconscious. I’m not going to go over the ‘plasma unconscious’ but you can read hundreds of  pages about it, in the following reference documents from :

    a. Is ‘Cold Plasma in the Body (‘Bioplasma’) Dream Substance?

b. The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
c. The Biological Interface Linking us with Panplasmapsychism

5.    AWARENESS, MONADIC and PRIMAL CONSCOUSNESS level. I’m not going to go over these

        Interfaces in this document, but you can read hundreds of pages about these and related
        topics at

In Summary

This document is really a bridge document between the vast amount of material of the Platonic Surrealism framework, and the very simply notion that we are the architects of our own doom, due to how we evolved as humans, due to entirely cultural reasons.

We CAN become different humans, better humans. Many of us could reconnect to the other four of our five ‘brains’, at least eventually. The dream of Nietzsche. The dream of all autistic spectrum and ‘spiritually aware’ humans since the beginning of time. Just connecting to two or three of our brains makes an enormous quality of life improvement over running on just ‘one cylinder’, like our culture imprints upon us.

Now admittedly, there is the issue of how we almost certainly are living in a ‘read-only’ data archive, as part of a vast ‘movie production. Really ‘absurdism’ basically proves this; that and the ‘Phenomenon’. That’s a longer story.

But there ARE some ‘loopholes’ in the movie script that allow a small amount of ‘free will’, and it also bears saying, that was baked-in before the arrow of time even began in this emergent ‘space-time’ ‘palette’.

It also needs saying, that in a sense our ‘upstream larger selves’ MOST CERTAINLY HAD/HAVE a much greater ‘free will’ before the arrow of time began.  I’m speaking of a ‘participatory Universe’ arrangement between the Monads and all their interactions.

At that ‘time’ there was a vast ‘crystallization wave’ and the ‘template’ that AWARENESS uses to pretend to be limited beings here, executes’ within the pre-crystallized ‘plasma manifold’ so to speak. I’ll link to the Plasma Cosmogeny document when it is available, which explains such matters thoroughly in terms of plasma and other physics (metaphors).

Final Words

There is SOME hope for a brighter future, after the big ugly crash coming in the period of time between about twenty years from now and the turn of the century, when rising CO2 levels will make breathing much more difficult globally and cause massive migrations of human refugees.

And that’s why I’m writing all these many words, to be stored at the Archives of the Impossible of Rice University, Houston, Texas.

Many of these factors may even have been foreseen by Aristotle and Neoplatonists and other older cultures, but the dominant world cultures have largely burned those books and records of the past, as part of their religious conflicts, which are just phenotypes of the very out-of-control processes this document has described.

Kevin Cann

Public Domain