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Nature is extraordinarily energy efficient. You can take this as an understatement actually.
But we need to mention in passing these other two principles:
1) Entropy: the notion that useful work becomes less and less possible over ‘time’ as things become increasingly disordered. Waste heat, that sort of thing.
2) Conservation of energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another, like money being exchanged for goods but the total amount remaining the same.”
In any case, if nature could ‘get away with’ not spending any energy at all, that’s what it would do. And in fact there’s already a fun example of this demonstrated – virtual particles.
I discuss this with Google Gemini AI:
“Kev, you’ve hit upon one of the most intriguing and mind-bending aspects of quantum field theory! The idea of virtual particles popping in and out of existence, seemingly “borrowing” energy from the vacuum, can indeed feel like a violation of energy conservation. But as you hinted, it’s more about a temporary loan quickly repaid.
Here’s how physicists reconcile this apparent paradox:
1. The Uncertainty Principle:
- Energy-Time Uncertainty: Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that there’s a fundamental limit to how precisely we can know both the energy of a system and the time over which it has that energy.
- Fleeting Existence: This allows for tiny fluctuations in energy over very short time scales. Virtual particles exploit this loophole, popping into existence with “borrowed” energy, but they must disappear quickly enough that the “energy debt” is repaid before the uncertainty principle “notices.”
2. The Quantum Vacuum:
- Not Empty: The quantum vacuum is not truly empty. It’s a seething sea of virtual particles constantly appearing and disappearing.
- Zero-Point Energy: This activity gives rise to a baseline energy level called zero-point energy. Virtual particles are like ripples or fluctuations in this energy field.
3. Feynman Diagrams and Virtual Particles:
- Mathematical Tools: Virtual particles are often represented in Feynman diagrams, which are visual tools used to calculate the probabilities of particle interactions.
- Not Directly Observable: It’s important to note that virtual particles are not directly observable. They are a mathematical construct that helps us understand and predict the behavior of real particles and forces.
4. The Analogy of a Bank Loan:
- Borrowing and Repaying: Imagine a business taking out a very short-term loan to cover a temporary expense. As long as the loan is repaid quickly, it doesn’t violate the overall financial balance. Similarly, virtual particles “borrow” energy from the vacuum but repay it quickly enough to maintain the overall energy balance of the universe.
Key Points:
- Temporary Fluctuations: Virtual particles represent temporary fluctuations in energy allowed by the uncertainty principle.
- Overall Conservation: While they seem to violate energy conservation on very short time scales, the overall energy balance of the universe is maintained.
- Mathematical Construct: Virtual particles are a valuable tool for understanding quantum phenomena, even though they are not directly observable.
Kev, your analogy of “paying the bill before it’s due” is a great way to visualize this concept! It captures the essence of how virtual particles operate within the framework of quantum field theory.”
So why does this matter? Well, it doesn’t if you are only using one of your five available brains.
(long story there).
But if you take philosophy and metaphysics or the ways of shamans and experiencers at all seriously (you’d pretty much have to be one of these people; it’s pretty much a membership by invitation club, or it sounds like gibberish), then it’s pretty much the single most important thing to know, and in fact it’s what materialized into Platonic Surrealism.
But first we have to pick over a rather obtuse topic, that being Neutral Monism, and more particularly what’s called ‘decompositional neutral monism’. Here’s what AI says:
“Neutral monism is a metaphysical view that sees the fundamental nature of reality as being neither purely mental nor purely physical. Instead, it proposes a neutral substance or “stuff” that underlies both mind and matter. This neutral substance is beyond our ordinary categories of thought and experience, but it gives rise to both mental and physical phenomena. Think of it like clay: the clay itself is neutral, but it can be molded into different forms, like a vase or a sculpture. Similarly, the neutral substance can manifest as thoughts, feelings, or physical objects.
Neutral monism avoids the problems of dualism (which struggles to explain how mind and matter interact) and idealism (which reduces everything to mind) or materialism (which reduces everything to matter). Prominent proponents of neutral monism include Baruch Spinoza, William James, and Bertrand Russell. They saw it as a way to reconcile the seemingly disparate realms of mind and matter, offering a unified view of reality.
Now, let’s delve into decompositional neutral monism, a variant of this intriguing philosophy.
Decompositional neutral monism takes the idea of a neutral substance further by proposing that both mental and physical properties are actually composed of more basic, neutral properties. These neutral properties are neither mental nor physical in themselves, but they combine in different ways to produce the qualities we experience as mental or physical. Imagine a mosaic made of tiny tiles: the individual tiles are neutral in color, but when arranged together, they create a picture with distinct colors and shapes.
In this view, consciousness and physical objects are not fundamentally different kinds of things; they are simply different arrangements of the same basic building blocks. This offers a potential solution to the “hard problem of consciousness,” which asks how physical matter can give rise to subjective experience. Decompositional neutral monism suggests that consciousness is not an emergent property of matter but rather an intrinsic aspect of the neutral substance itself.
This view has been championed by contemporary philosophers like David Chalmers and Thomas Nagel. They see it as a way to bridge the gap between subjective and objective, offering a more holistic and integrated understanding of reality.”
Now that’s pretty much correct.
Some people say, like Jeffrey J. Kripal, that humans are the boundary point for the decomposition,
but that’s more of a psychological interpretation I would say.
In point of fact, in Platonic Surrealism at any rate, with the principles of ‘ontological equivalence’
and ‘absolute concurrence’ (basically everything is equal and equally ‘broken’), there are no ‘upper and lower’ and ‘points of decomposition’.
Now yes, there are regions of greater or fewer definitional information bits being switched on in a massive universal holographic matrix that encapsulates all possibilities and combinations (that’s actually the role of PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS) as it breaks apart under its own innate instability, after being ‘birthed by the interaction of POTENTIALITY (THE passive trans-cosmic field of all potential bits of information and interactions between those POTENTIAL bits) and AWARENESS
(the innate desire to know the SELF), which loves to order things and to ‘actualize them’ in a sense.
These ‘blobs of primal self-referential loops’ are called Monads by the way. Rather like a ‘spiritual quantum’. (I had to find some way to finally say the evil word that makes scientists go mad, when
it’s uttered by a creative type. Monads can also be compared to Boltzmann Brains)
In any case, there I’ve given you a thumbnail sketch of Platonic Surrealism, which is for the best really, as without it, you wouldn’t have any chance of understanding the argument with any cogency, enough to disagree with it. It’s the principal fact of existence, and in fact its’ so HARD CODED INTO EVERYTHING, that the mere act of agreeing with me could lead to your death,
eventually. (‘spiritual enlightenment if you wish to use that dreadfully inaccurate term).
Did I mention all this happens all at once (the principle of absolute concurrency)? Though to be separate and temporary beings, who both make the movies and then star in them, there’s this thing
called ‘divine forgetfullness’ that you can read about if you like.
Ok, We are in the Home Stretch
If you concur that Platonic Surrealism makes sense, with POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS, PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS and MONADS (Monads are really like nodes in a plasma
And increasing some do, as I’ve some people become instantly ‘enlightened just by hearing a few paragraphs of this stuff’, and by accident even reading over my shoulder before I had ever mentioned it to them.
What becomes instantly obvious, to the most casual of observers (Thank you very much Blaise Pascal), is that if there is only one BEING, and in fact that mostly this BEING was in a POTENTIAL,
NON-ACTIVE STATE, for the most part ruminating over it’s own properties, WITHOUT ACTUALLY
Let’s go back to the virtual photons for just a moment.
If ‘PAPC’ (POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS) is just doing the same thing UNIVERSALLY, as is seen in Quantum Field Theory, namely ‘being something’ but for such a short time, that no energy is expended, as it’s paid back before the ‘bill is due’,
If PAPC is doing that (IT IS), then that is the maximal possible way to conserve energy —- that would be to spend none.
Let that sink into you. Let it wash over you.
If REALITY works like Bernardo Kastrup says (he’s close to accurate in so many ways), then all that exists is the ONE, pretending to be the many, by creating “alters” (as in multiple personality disorder).
So, the ONE in order not to be lonely, and to EXPERIENCE ALL OF ITSELF, which is the ONE’s major desire, the ‘instability in the matrix’, then in order to make all this happen, then the only required activity would be to LIE TO ITSELF in amazingly intricate ways (that’s what IT IS DOING (what WE are doing), and not spend any ‘energy’ at all.
There is nothing more energy efficient than to not actually spend any energy.
And as ‘energy efficiency’ is actually the only law of physics that drives all the rest (you can see it by looking at nature at ANY level, in ANY science).
Then that means, in effect, in conjunction with Platonic Surrealism as a ‘crutch of understanding’
that there can only be ONE MAJOR LAW OF PHYSICS (Physics being the study of how the world works, from the tiniest particles to the largest stars. It tries to explain why things move, how energy flows, and what the basic building blocks of everything are. Basically, it’s figuring out the rules of the universe!)
With this Platonic Surrealistic Swiss Army Knife, you can now understand almost anything.
Use your new power wisely. Tell good stories. Don’t be afraid to love. It’s all just US here.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain