I’m working on writing down a meta-cosmogeny that unifies deterministic and chaotic-seeming elements and also unifies in consciousness and everything else.
While I do it, my body heats up and I nearly pass out from the stress on my body, to look at this scale and try to retrieve details into this somewhat limited frame. But it’s worth the effort, I hope.
Just a tiny, interesting thought that I want to document on this one page.
In that theory, there’s this ‘sea of substance’ (sort of) that makes up the very body that I seem to be connected with.
And in this hyper-object-energy ‘slurry’ that carries hooks to PURE AWARENESS and ‘PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS’ AND all the ‘worlds’; it is like those metaphorical tentacles from a giant cosmic space octopus, that dangles down those tendrils of sentience connectivity into ‘matter’ / ‘space’ / ‘time’ ETC.
That ‘slurry’ is generated by the thrumming of all the Monads doing their thing, and here we come to the key thought.
That ‘slurry’ is a composite of ALL the memories and experiences of ALL the Monads, rather a holographic memory storage capability.
All the Monads communicate through this slurry to each other, not by direct links, except in the more uncommon ‘souls-merging’ sort of thing, where some monads travel in coherent packs.
Now if you know anything about holography, if you cut off a hunk, the resulting image gets more
blurry; it has less fidelity.
So… if in effect we ‘drop a slurry tentacle’ into a receptacle, to ‘be born’, we are in effect ‘pinching off’ that slurry tentacle from the vast host of the main body of the holographic memory source.
So, it’s no wonder that most of us don’t remember much from before life.
It’s not that ‘god’ or whatever plays games with us for purposes of karma or what not.
It could be ‘simple plasma holographic physics.
Humans who can sense and remember more, can simply access more ‘holographic slurry
by volume’ so to speak, perhaps by taking in many ‘tendrils in parallel concurrently.
Yes, that seems to be it. There we go. I see it. I once only had 4 links, I now seem to have many more concurrent links. The more you love, the more plugged in you are!
Seems to make a hell of a lot more sense to me than any other explanation I have ever heard.
Your mileage may vary.
It’s not ‘divine forgetfulness’ —- it’s ‘holographic dilution’ !!!
Kevin Cann