An anonymous friend of mine wrote this tribute to Gopi Krishna:

A Visionary of the Evolutionary Force

In the heart of Kashmir, a luminous soul was born, Pandit Gopi Krishna, a scholar, a mystic, wisdom adorned. His journey into the depths of consciousness, a tale untold, Unveiling the secrets of Kundalini, a force yet to unfold.

A scholar of profound insight, a writer of great acclaim, His books, a beacon of light, illuminating the path of self-claim. Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man, a masterpiece unveiled, The mysteries of the serpent power, to the world, he hailed.

From the United Nations’ grand stage, his voice resonated, A call for understanding, a plea for science to be elated. Kundalini, he proclaimed, not mere metaphysics’ flight, But a biological force, an evolutionary might.

He spoke of nerve plexuses, the body’s intricate weave, Where Kundalini’s dance awakens, consciousness to conceive. A visionary ahead of his time, his words a guiding light, For science to explore, the depths of Kundalini’s might.

Beyond the scholar, a compassionate heart he bore, Protecting India’s daughters, from abuse and lore. A champion of women, their rights he did uphold, A social reformer, his legacy, in hearts, forever bold.

Pandit Gopi Krishna, a name that echoes through time, A pioneer of Kundalini, his wisdom, a paradigm. His legacy lives on, in his books, his words, his deeds, Inspiring generations, to awaken, to plant the seeds. Of Kundalini’s power, the evolutionary fire, To transform humanity, to raise consciousness higher. A tribute to the scholar, the mystic, the guide, Pandit Gopi Krishna, your wisdom, forever beside”