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Platonic Surrealism
Platonic Surrealism Overviews
Deception as the Only Law of Nature
Is Platonic Surrealism for You?
Platonic Surrealism in Brief
A Picture of ‘Reality’ – AWARENESS and Monads in POTENTIALITY
The Traumatic Secret
The Egoic Secret of Catholic Saints and Super Psychics
Why is it Called Platonic Surrealism?
Falsifying Platonic Surrealism
Hide, Seek & Help/Play
PS Cosmogeny
‘God’ & ‘Consciousness’
The Problem of Suffering
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
We are the ‘Universe’ Doing Kegel Exercises
Comparativism: “Soul”, “Spirit”, “Guardian Angels”, “Daimones” and Dream Substance
Even “Nuts and Bolts Craft” are Imaginal Beings
Understanding Jeffrey J. Kripal’s ‘The Flip’
Why the Superhumanities are so Important
Not even ‘God’, ‘Consciousness’ or a ‘Theory of Everything’ Gets to ‘Capture the Flag’
The Cause of ‘Divine’ Forgetfulness
The True Perennial Wisdom
Platonic Surrealism for People who don’t like Metaphysics
What are Hyperobjects?
Why Objectivity Doesn’t Exist
A Picture from When I was Dead
The IMAGIOSHEV Scale of Sentience
Understanding Mycelial Networks; Organic, Plasmal and Imaginal
Little Red Wagon Theory Meta
How the Partitioning of Consciousness Creates ‘God’ and ‘the Devil’
THE PRINCE AND THE MAGICIAN from The Magus by John Fowles
Matter is Love Made Real
An Attitude Towards Science
UFO Overviews
Reaction: He’s Been Inside a UFO
Jacques Vallee, Bob Lazar, and the Hand Sanitizer Incident
UFOlogy gives me the Giggles, Just like it Does the Phenomenon
What I have Been Told about ‘Roswell’
The Modern UFO Psyop
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
‘UFOs’ as Summoned Beings: Some Surprising Correspondences
What are Hyperobjects?
Understanding Mycelial Networks; Organic, Plasmal and Imaginal
The Link Between ‘UFOs’, ‘Fae’ and the ‘Land of the Dead’
Cosmic Fungal Disclosure
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
Human Insanity Towards the Phenomenon
The Accidental Summoning Hypothesis Redux
The Smoking Gun of “UFO” Disclosure
The Two Core Stories of UFOlogical Disclosure
Platonic Surrealism and Plasma
Even “Nuts and Bolts Craft” are Imaginal Beings
What you may not Know about Summoning “UFOs” by Kevin Cann
Everything there is to Know about Summoning UFOs
Cultural Instability, Emotional Processing, and UFO Sightings – A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Kevin Cann
Advisory Board
Spiritual / Psychological Support – a Legal Notice
Copyright Notice
Download all Content as PDF
CIA Declassified: The Gateway Process
Platonic Surrealism Interviews
Platonic Surrealism Channel Videos
Friends of Platonic Surrealism
Jeffrey J. Kripal Videos
Jeffrey Mishlove
Gifts to Researchers
Gifts to Researchers-1
How the ‘Anomalous’ Works
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
We are the ‘Universe’ Doing Kegel Exercises
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
The IMAGIOSHEV Scale of Sentience
The Many Egos of Man
Gifts to Researchers-2
The Accidental Summoning Hypothesis Redux
Platonic Surrealism and Plasma
Is ‘Cold Plasma in the Body (‘Bioplasma’) Dream Substance?
The Biological Interface Linking us with Panplasmapsychism
Raw NDE Data for Alex Gomez-Marin – the Kevin Cann Case
Borderline Science Overviews
Why Pseudoscience is a Necessary Beginning
Sentient Plasma
Is ‘Cold Plasma in the Body (‘Bioplasma’) Dream Substance?
The Biological Interface Linking us with Panplasmapsychism
Proof of Humans Being Colony Creatures
The Joe McMoneagle / Plasma Correlation
The Phillip K. Dick and Colares, Brazil Correlation
The Visionary Experience
How Complex Life Began on Earth
A Cyclical Cosmology Based on Pre-Spacetime Geometry and a Scalar Phase Transition (and a New Formulation of Quantum Mechanics)
The Future Human
The Future Human-1
About the Future Human
Brokenness (Plus AWARENESS) = Wholeness
Who Becomes ‘Enlightened’?
How Human Beings Became Disconnected from 4 of their 5 Brains
How the Partitioning of Consciousness Creates ‘God’ and ‘the Devil’
Here’s why Platonic Surrealism doesn’t attack the Ego
The Future Human-2
Pandora’s Pithos
Liquid Heart Practice
The Physical Basis of “Kundalini” in the Human Body
Becoming a Shaman (or Catholic Saint)
The Transitional Stage is Really Rough
I’m Tired of Mincing Words about Free Will
Forgotten History
Early Humans, ‘Cousin’s and Last Common Ancestors
The Forgotten ~ World War 0 *
A Bit about ‘Atlantis’
Freedom from Toxic Society
Fetal Masturbation
The Morality Test
Why do People Act Against their own Conscious Self-interest
Reaction: Why you’re always bored and unhappy
Reaction: Why Wanting Less Leads To Happiness
Reaction: Time Traps you in Regret
Other Systems
The Link Between Platonic Surrealism, Plasma and Gnosticism
The Empire Never Ended
Nietzsche: The Maker and the Made
A Warning about a Potential Future
Using Nukes to Slow Climate Change – What could go Wrong?
Reaction: “We Automated Lying”
Visible College Access
Why I can’t Get Excited about Jesus … BUT…
Giving Credit Where it is Due
Alan Watts and Potentiality
Gene Kieffer, In Memoriam and Kundalini as the Trickster
An Ode to Pandit Gopi Krishna: A Pioneer of Kundalini
Platonic Surrealism, Bohmian and Spinozan Concepts
Why Spiritual Transformation Works — or Fails
Understanding the Precious Turd of Consciousness
A Letter about Phillip K. Dick and Being a Teacher
Platonic Surrealism, Lurianic Kabbalah and Dualism
A Comment to Miss J* about Ego
I’m Tired of Mincing Words about Free Will
New Thinking Allowed UFO Summoning Interview Prep
Anxiety about the Future
Facebook Group
YouTube Site
Toggle website search
Platonic Surrealism Overviews
Deception as the Only Law of Nature
Is Platonic Surrealism for You?
Platonic Surrealism in Brief
A Picture of ‘Reality’ – AWARENESS and Monads in POTENTIALITY
The Traumatic Secret
The Egoic Secret of Catholic Saints and Super Psychics
Why is it Called Platonic Surrealism?
Falsifying Platonic Surrealism
Hide, Seek & Help/Play
PS Cosmogeny
‘God’ & ‘Consciousness’
The Problem of Suffering
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
We are the ‘Universe’ Doing Kegel Exercises
Comparativism: “Soul”, “Spirit”, “Guardian Angels”, “Daimones” and Dream Substance
Even “Nuts and Bolts Craft” are Imaginal Beings
Understanding Jeffrey J. Kripal’s ‘The Flip’
Why the Superhumanities are so Important
Not even ‘God’, ‘Consciousness’ or a ‘Theory of Everything’ Gets to ‘Capture the Flag’
The Cause of ‘Divine’ Forgetfulness
The True Perennial Wisdom
Platonic Surrealism for People who don’t like Metaphysics
What are Hyperobjects?
Why Objectivity Doesn’t Exist
A Picture from When I was Dead
The IMAGIOSHEV Scale of Sentience
Understanding Mycelial Networks; Organic, Plasmal and Imaginal
Little Red Wagon Theory Meta
How the Partitioning of Consciousness Creates ‘God’ and ‘the Devil’
THE PRINCE AND THE MAGICIAN from The Magus by John Fowles
Matter is Love Made Real
An Attitude Towards Science
UFO Overviews
Reaction: He’s Been Inside a UFO
Jacques Vallee, Bob Lazar, and the Hand Sanitizer Incident
UFOlogy gives me the Giggles, Just like it Does the Phenomenon
What I have Been Told about ‘Roswell’
The Modern UFO Psyop
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
‘UFOs’ as Summoned Beings: Some Surprising Correspondences
What are Hyperobjects?
Understanding Mycelial Networks; Organic, Plasmal and Imaginal
The Link Between ‘UFOs’, ‘Fae’ and the ‘Land of the Dead’
Cosmic Fungal Disclosure
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
Human Insanity Towards the Phenomenon
The Accidental Summoning Hypothesis Redux
The Smoking Gun of “UFO” Disclosure
The Two Core Stories of UFOlogical Disclosure
Platonic Surrealism and Plasma
Even “Nuts and Bolts Craft” are Imaginal Beings
What you may not Know about Summoning “UFOs” by Kevin Cann
Everything there is to Know about Summoning UFOs
Cultural Instability, Emotional Processing, and UFO Sightings – A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Kevin Cann
Advisory Board
Spiritual / Psychological Support – a Legal Notice
Copyright Notice
Download all Content as PDF
CIA Declassified: The Gateway Process
Platonic Surrealism Interviews
Platonic Surrealism Channel Videos
Friends of Platonic Surrealism
Jeffrey J. Kripal Videos
Jeffrey Mishlove
Gifts to Researchers
Gifts to Researchers-1
How the ‘Anomalous’ Works
The Phenomenon’s Hidden Secret: Humans are ‘Cosmic Mitochondria’
We are the ‘Universe’ Doing Kegel Exercises
The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect
The IMAGIOSHEV Scale of Sentience
The Many Egos of Man
Gifts to Researchers-2
The Accidental Summoning Hypothesis Redux
Platonic Surrealism and Plasma
Is ‘Cold Plasma in the Body (‘Bioplasma’) Dream Substance?
The Biological Interface Linking us with Panplasmapsychism
Raw NDE Data for Alex Gomez-Marin – the Kevin Cann Case
Borderline Science Overviews
Why Pseudoscience is a Necessary Beginning
Sentient Plasma
Is ‘Cold Plasma in the Body (‘Bioplasma’) Dream Substance?
The Biological Interface Linking us with Panplasmapsychism
Proof of Humans Being Colony Creatures
The Joe McMoneagle / Plasma Correlation
The Phillip K. Dick and Colares, Brazil Correlation
The Visionary Experience
How Complex Life Began on Earth
A Cyclical Cosmology Based on Pre-Spacetime Geometry and a Scalar Phase Transition (and a New Formulation of Quantum Mechanics)
The Future Human
The Future Human-1
About the Future Human
Brokenness (Plus AWARENESS) = Wholeness
Who Becomes ‘Enlightened’?
How Human Beings Became Disconnected from 4 of their 5 Brains
How the Partitioning of Consciousness Creates ‘God’ and ‘the Devil’
Here’s why Platonic Surrealism doesn’t attack the Ego
The Future Human-2
Pandora’s Pithos
Liquid Heart Practice
The Physical Basis of “Kundalini” in the Human Body
Becoming a Shaman (or Catholic Saint)
The Transitional Stage is Really Rough
I’m Tired of Mincing Words about Free Will
Forgotten History
Early Humans, ‘Cousin’s and Last Common Ancestors
The Forgotten ~ World War 0 *
A Bit about ‘Atlantis’
Freedom from Toxic Society
Fetal Masturbation
The Morality Test
Why do People Act Against their own Conscious Self-interest
Reaction: Why you’re always bored and unhappy
Reaction: Why Wanting Less Leads To Happiness
Reaction: Time Traps you in Regret
Other Systems
The Link Between Platonic Surrealism, Plasma and Gnosticism
The Empire Never Ended
Nietzsche: The Maker and the Made
A Warning about a Potential Future
Using Nukes to Slow Climate Change – What could go Wrong?
Reaction: “We Automated Lying”
Visible College Access
Why I can’t Get Excited about Jesus … BUT…
Giving Credit Where it is Due
Alan Watts and Potentiality
Gene Kieffer, In Memoriam and Kundalini as the Trickster
An Ode to Pandit Gopi Krishna: A Pioneer of Kundalini
Platonic Surrealism, Bohmian and Spinozan Concepts
Why Spiritual Transformation Works — or Fails
Understanding the Precious Turd of Consciousness
A Letter about Phillip K. Dick and Being a Teacher
Platonic Surrealism, Lurianic Kabbalah and Dualism
A Comment to Miss J* about Ego
I’m Tired of Mincing Words about Free Will
New Thinking Allowed UFO Summoning Interview Prep
Anxiety about the Future
Facebook Group
YouTube Site