The Smoking Gun of Disclosure

The ‘falling leaf effect’ happens for both ‘paranormal’ and UFO events.

What is the Falling Leaf phenomenon?
The Falling Leaf phenomenon refers to a reported sensation where objects, people, or even the environment seem to move or fall in a slow, floating, or zigzagging motion, often accompanied by a sense of weightlessness or altered gravity.

Paranormal events:
In paranormal investigations, the Falling Leaf phenomenon has been associated with:

  1. Ghost sightings and hauntings
  2. Poltergeist activity
  3. Near-death experiences (NDEs)
  4. Spirit communications or channeling

UFO events:
Similarly, in UFO encounters, the Falling Leaf phenomenon has been linked to:

Witness reports of unusual aerial phenomena

Alien abduction experiences

Close encounters of the third kind (CE3)

UFO landings or takeoffs”

Kevin Cann


Falling leaves and similar objects fall zig zag, due to uneven mass distribution and a very low weight. Given what is ACTUALLY known about ACTUAL ‘UFOs’ this is a perfect match for the situation: a very uneven mass distribution and very little mass being involved, no matter what
the ‘craft’ looks like.


A “falling cloud” of plasma could indeed exhibit zig-zag motion due to various factors:

Plasma dynamics:

  1. Instabilities: Plasma clouds can experience instabilities, such as electromagnetic or hydrodynamic disturbances, leading to unpredictable behavior.
  2. Turbulence: Plasma turbulence can cause chaotic motion, including zig-zag patterns.
  3. Magnetic field interactions: Plasma clouds can interact with magnetic fields, causing changes in direction and speed.

Aerodynamic interactions:

  1. Air resistance: Plasma clouds interacting with air molecules can experience irregular drag forces, leading to zig-zag motion.
  2. Electromagnetic scattering: Plasma clouds can scatter electromagnetic radiation, influencing their trajectory.

Ionized gas behavior:

  1. Ionization and recombination: Changes in ionization levels can affect plasma density and behavior.
  2. Gas dynamics: Plasma clouds can exhibit complex gas dynamics, such as shock waves or vortices.

Possible explanations for zig-zag motion:

  1. Plasma blob dynamics: Small, dense plasma blobs can break off from the main cloud, creating erratic motion.
  2. Electromagnetic pulsations: Pulsating electromagnetic fields within the plasma cloud could drive zig-zag motion.
  3. Non-linear plasma oscillations: Non-linear oscillations within the plasma cloud can lead to chaotic behavior.

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