Membership is free, however you must register your account and login to post on the blog.

In addition, all members start as Subscribers, meaning that they can only respond to existing posts, and all posts are moderated and must be manually approved.

There are author rights, where you can also create posts, but author rights are only assigned to members who demonstrate great post responses, and who request and are granted author status.

If you wish to make a request for author rights, or any other request, feel free to use the Contact tab.

Please keep in mind that this is a new site/blog, and this may only be the initial ways things are moderated.

Please ensure that your posts are respectful as much as possible, though it is recognized that many, if not most posts are considered quite controversial by more than a few.

Use the Register sub-menu item to make an account, and the login sub-menu items to login.

I hope that this can be a productive and respectful experience for us all, but really, it is expected to become quite heated and passionate.

Try your best to play nicely with others, including Kevin, Jeff or any other staff the site
attracts over time.

Warm Regards,
