To use a metaphor from Nietzsche, I’ve been on the cusp of being a Lion (an ass that stirs up trouble and creates something new) and a Child, someone who is still a Lion, but is no longer an ass.
It’s a hard transition.
I have been an ass many times, and you will see hints of my asshole-ish potential in various posts, especially when I post about ‘nuts and bolts ‘UFOs’ and the religion Christianity.
I do heartily apologize!
I’m not helping anyone by being prickly on topics like this and it gains nobody nothing.
I also get tasked ‘for my ego’ quite a bit.
Well, I wish that EVERYONE, all 8.16 billion of us, had such an ‘ego’.
As written elsewhere, ‘ego’ is a magical power we have as humans, when used wisely, and in the context of an integrated
personality (integrating all 3 ‘brain hemispheres’, POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and the TRICKSTER (‘consciousness’),
that ego CAN be a reflection of AWARENESS itself, the organizational current of all potentials.
It can turn a victim into a conqueror, or as Nietzsche said, a Camel (a victim of the world) into a very strong person indeed.
Many people who are really hurting, hurt because their ego is damaged, and it’s probably based on something temporal, and not
transcendent, so very prone to pain and suffering.
In our culture everyone’s ego constantly jotles with every other person’s ego. The strong victimize others, the weak are victimized.
I never wanted to build all this ego force up, but there was no choice. After I had the ontologically shattering experience
of ‘summoning a black triangle UFO’ and other occurrences, I was a shattered victim. I was paralyzed for 15 minutes as
one example, and that’s very unnerving.
So, please forgive my remnants of being an asshole, especially when discussing hot-button topics, typically associated with
those who abuse others through misinformation (‘UFOlogy’) and (‘Christianity’) —- see? there I did it again. But Christianity
has something like 64 million dead bodies on it’s hands from all the mass genocides. I don’t hold that against modern Christians,
as most of them aren’t even aware what they are part of.
But you CAN get a rose to grow from manure, so even Christianity can be a thing of beauty, depending on the person and the
variety of Christianity.
For example if Jesus came back, he’d probably be put into a Death camp on the border or just shot for being a hippie or Democrat.
I have nothing but respect for Jesus personally. Just not his followers, in general.
Anyway, please bear with me. This is a hard transition, to heal from 63 years of complex PTSD due to autism, and to take
on what I’ve been taking on all these years.
Love you all, even my enemies!
Kevin Cann