Often, the ‘larger picture’ WANTS TO BE BROKEN AND WRITHING IN PAIN;
It immerses one in the movie, very deeply.

That’s what all the ‘holy men’ thorough all the ages get wrong.

In a sense many worlds are ‘hell loops’; and that’s their function.

And POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS don’t ‘fix worlds’ — nope. 

When they want to experience something else — they do;

somewhere, somewhen else.

It’s like throwing out paper plates, instead of washing dishes.

That’s the entire mistake of religion, boiled down to a few sentences.

All that melodrama about ‘saving’ and ‘fixing’. You don’t save or fix paper plates. That’s not how trans-cosmic intelligences ‘think’.

But then we, HUMANS get ‘stuck with the check’.

Sure, you can just ‘leave the restaurant’. that’s what non-dualism teaches you. And it’s valid. But sometimes, to have fun, you do whatever the fuck you want. Be loving, be constructive. The ONE (US) loves hopeless causes; it builds infinite numbers of them, so that we may have the opportunity to learn who WE really are. Who the ONE really is,

in the morning first thing, with no makeup applied.

THIS is the essence of Platonic Surrealism. THIS is why we need to finish constructing Platonic Surrealism, TOGETHER, if we want to have a new type of fun and excitement, that his planet has never seen before, to date.

Kevin Cann