Do You Have a Daemon? | Bernardo Kastrup & Jonathan Pageau

Bernardo is really coming along. He’s quite something.

Make sure to read these basics to help interpret this. Under no circumstances is interpreting them as angels or ‘demons’ helpful or remotely accurate.

There will be a forthcoming page about Daimones and how they fit into Platonic Surrealism. It’s a bit different than people say.

I will say however, that it’s often authors and other creatives that experience them, and become aware of them. Philosophers and mystics can sometimes experience them.

Interestingly a very nondual person, such as a Zen master might have such a thin self, that they wouldn’t have the ability to differentiate the Daimones, as with a very thin sense of self, it would just appear as ‘suchness’ arising from the true void. (You need a solid ego (temporary being) to be able to detect other beings).

Kevin Cann

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